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Everywhere Water is a Thing of Beauty Gleaming in the Dewdrop, Singing in the Summer Rain

Name:   Kahvi NitenRanking:   --
Birthday:   1986-12-19Country:   Maldives
Joined:   2008-07-23Location:   Where the Heck is this Country??
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   9 graphics 
Name:   Kahvi Niten
Birthday:   1986-12-19
Joined:   2008-07-23
Location:   Where the Heck is this Country??
Uploads:   9 graphics 
only 140 pages of comments *eye twitches*

Name: Kahvi Niten
Gender: Female
Type of Fairy: Water

Hi everyone! My name is Kahvi! I have three younger sisters. We all live together. Our Parents died when we were young, so from a young age i had to support them. I love being their sister but its hard when i have to be their parent too. The two younger ones, Ino and Yuni were just toddlers when they died. I dont know if they even remember them. Anyways we were all born with the ability to turn into fairies with different elemental abilities. We don't know how we got these powers but we are slowing learning about ourselves, our powers, and trying to get by without our parents.

Me As A Human

Me in Fairy Form

Likes: Rayek!!!,Swimming, Walks on the Beach, Catching Fish and Throwing Them Back, Walking in the Rain, Taking Long Showers and Baths, Cooking, Surfing, and Taking Care of My Sisters.

Dislikes:When My Sisters Don't Listen To Me, When Kaki Plays with Fire in The House, Deserts, When my I am not Appreciated, Working Long Hours as a Lifeguard to Support My Sisters, When Ino Freezes my Water, and When Yuni Beats Me in Pokemon

Talents: Talking to Marine Life,Healing and Manipulating Water

Transformation Time!

My Sisters(and my Best Friends)

Name:Kaki Niten
Type of Fairy:Fire

Human Form

Fairy Form

Likes:Fire,Playing with fire,hanging out with her sisters, Playing spyro, Hanging out with Jackie and Plusle.
Hates:When I use my water to put her fires out, School, Losing at Spyro and at Pokemon, When people make fun of her and Jackie.

Talent:Making Fire Balls and Blasts of Fire

Name:Ino Niten
Type of Fairy:Ice

Human Form

Fairy Form

Likes:Watching the Rain , Playing Around with Yuni,Dreaming ,Talking with her Friends
Helping her Big Sisters, Watching Snow Fall , Coloring , and Making Friends

Talent:Freezing the Water in the Air, Making Snow

Name:Yuni Niten
Type of Fairy:Wildlife

Human Form

Fairy Form

Likes:Playing Video Games, Playing With Her Toys, Getting Up Early and Staying Up Past Bedtime, Beating me in Pokemon, and Causing Trouble
Hates:When Her Older Sisters Pick on Her, Losing at Games, Being Told What To Do, and Going to Bed

Talent:Turning into any Animal, Talking to Animals

My Boyfriend

Name: Rayek Inahara
Age: 24
Type of Sparrowman: Darkness

Human Form

Fairy Form

Likes: Hanging out with Me and my sisters, Reading a good book,Smoking Cigerettes, Racing Cars, Having a Cold Beer, Playing in his Band, Playing World of Warcraft,Night time, Playing Soccer,Talking About Poltics and Kahvi(of course)
Dislikes:HIS FATHER, When he Runs Out of Cigerettes, People who dislike him, When Kahvi is Mad at Him, People not liking his band,Daytime.

Talent:Controlling Peoples Shadows

Rayek and I

Video Montage of Us

Thanks to my Good Friend Nami!!

My Girl

Saya Habiki(Saya Bear)
Boyfriend:Jin Inoue
Type of Demon: Lightning

Human Form

Demon Form

Saya is the only girl i could ever love.
We both have boyfriends..
but we still make time for eachother.
She has my part of my heart and Rayek has the other.
We try to hook up as much as we can.
She is my twin and really my soulmate.

Saya and I

My Best Friend

Canti Yoshikaze(Tara)
Boyfriend:Luca Reiji(Chase)
Type of Fairy: Water and Ice(like me!)

Human Form

Fairy Form

Likes:luca, reading old mysteries(sherlock and hercule), photography, skittles, art by Tite Kubo and Kazuya Minekura(they are freakin gods), scaring people, SOAD(System of a Down for all you noobs), when Luca gives me weird nick names(Like bambi...that one was interesting), water, being a tease(wink), manga and anime
Dislikes: douche bags, being treated like a child, being told i'm weak or inferior, out right stupidity, being lied to and having friends keep secrets from me, fire and locusts, little twerps who make characters on here that are "immortal"(where's the fun in that?!), One X for obvious reasons and ohhhhh so many people on here.
Talent: Manipulation of Anything in a Liquid state

Canti's Mudkip

My Pokemon

She is Very Helpful and Motherly


He is Fun Loving and Likes to Cause a Stir but Shy Until You get to Know Him


She is Tough, but Very Loving and Loves to Cuddle


He is Hyper Most of the Time, Be Careful With Him, He Likes to Bite


He is Jolly and A Class Clown, He Loves to Eat


Dont Worry She Looks Mean But She Is a Sweetie. And Yes Ozzy is A Girl

Family Pictures

My Mother and Father with Me and Kaki. My mother was pregnant with Ino

Myself and the littlest sister Yuni

Me messing around with Rayek's Guitar

The family

Some Friends

Random Stuff

SO CUTE!!!!!!!!

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