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Im not weird im talented

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Name:   SukiRanking:   --
Birthday:   1995-09-23Country:   
Joined:   2008-08-05Location:   In front of my computer
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   6 graphics 
Name:   Suki
Birthday:   1995-09-23
Joined:   2008-08-05
Location:   In front of my computer
Uploads:   6 graphics 
New user again lol

I kinda fell when someone took the pic ^^' and thats my work outfit
Info:Yes I am a gamer. I play all kinds of games....from Mario to Zelda. I just love playing video games AND computer. When Im not gaming or bloging(if thats a word lol) Im at school or asleep.
Birth Day:September 23
"Job":Working at a game store(so does Rizuki)
At night I turn into a little fox that looks like this:

Games I play:Pokemon,Jak and Dexter,Naruto,Zelda,Mario,Crash,Spyro,Ratchet and Clank,Sonic,Zelda,Sims,Tome rader(for computer) and more I cant think of right now ^^
My pokemon-

She is a tom boy

He likes to run around and being hyper

She is a tom boy too

Me with Rizuki(hes one of my game buddies)

I love that video XD
Naruto Character B-days this month:
Tsunade 8/2
Zabuza 8/15
Temari 8/23

Cute ^^

Me and my Mightyena

Kabuto is being such a dork X3

MY NINJA INFO CARDS!(thats on playlist too!)

I bought it on ebay!
1. Has to be anime
2. Nothing perverted or gross
3. I shadow on MOST of the graphics
4. You have to tell me what you want it to look like
5. If you want it kissing with someone just ask
6. I cant really add to the pic....only longer hair thats it
7. I can take out from the picture
Also if you think just because I have a few graphics on this account doesn't mean I suck at it. Check my other accounts on the idol section and my photobucket account Mew_Mew_Sapphirea guest password is Emo Eli
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