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me is grounded i have only 2 hours on -_-' yuni: GET OFF IM GONNA MAKE NEW ACCOUNT!! me: -_-' girl u too confusing yuni: :P soo its for me first account me: ohh then go ahead color tomato color sea blue color emerald color ruby color sapphire color garnet ![]() Me Before I was a sound ninja ![]() Name: Yamia Age: 14 Pet: ![]() Name: Luper Crush: None of your buisness Lunick: its sasori or deidera Likes: Making people think I'm a good person and they teach me their jutsus, Checking on the akatsuki every once and a while, and Killer Muffins Dislikes: Team Rocket cuz there stupid, People figuring out im bad b4 they teach me a jutsu, Lunick's gf, and anything good Yuni: I STILL HAVE A NAME! Me: LUNICK GET OUT OF HERE AND TAKE YOUR GF! Lunick: SHES NOT MY GF Friend: ![]() Name: Karina Age: 14 My Pokemon: Typhlosion ![]() His nickname is Izzy Furret ![]() Her nickname is Fura Lil Bro ![]() Name: Lunick Age: 11 Big Bro ![]() Name: Tom Age: 18 My Story ~FlashBack~ me: *yawns* man this is so boring (I was 8) tom: we're shopping too bad (he was 12) me: -_-' lunick: :P (he was 5) me: why did mom and dad leave lunick: yea why mommy and daddy leave tom: IDK just keep looking for food for the week me: HOT CHEETOS!! tom: no lunick: PUDDING!! tom: ok me: NO FAIR!! tom: heh *gives me 5 hot cheetos bags* u can have them if you do your chores me: YES!! *runs home does chores comes back* HOT CHEETOS!! tom: O_O ok lunick: haha tom she outsmated u tom: outsmarted lunick: i said that outsmated tom: >.> forget it ~End of flashback~ lunick: lol thats still funny tom: -_-' u didnt even put what happened lunick: oh me supposed to flashback that? tom: yea! ~New Flashback~ tom: -_-' ok yamia eat the hot cheetos (tom was 16) me: *eating* dont need to tell me! (I was 12) lunick: i wants some! (lunick was 9) me: ok *gives some* lunick: *eats and starts running* AHHH THERE HOT!! WATER WATER!! tom: >_< *gives water* lunick: *drinking* me: *yawns* orochimaru: *comes* hello tom lunick and yamia tom: O_O WHY U HERE?!?! lunick: whoa who he? he a snakey guy! orochimaru: -_-' tom: -_-' me: *laughing* orochimaru: ok lets see tom u'll be a great sound ninja! tom: no way orochimaru: yea way now come now! tom: NO! orochimaru: ok i'll force u! *throws snake* me: *jumps in front* NO OROCHIMAWU U NO TAKING MY BROTHER! *hits it back* orochimaru: *hits his arm* ow! ok your better! me: hah u no taking me orochimaru: either that or your brother tom me: *sighs* i cant take care of lunick tom: no yamia dont! orochimaru: *throws smoke bomb and leaves with me* ~End of flashback~ lunick: OHHHH thats what happened tom: yea -_-' lunick: that sucks.. WHAT WE GONNA EAT?!?! tom: *anime falls* HOW CAN U CHANGE THE SUBJECT SO QUICKLY AND EASILY! lunick: idk maybe cuz IM HUNGRY tom: -_-' ok sheesh what u want to eat lunick: RAMEN!! tom: -_-' u hang with naruto too much lunick: sooo what lets go! *runs out* tom: -_-' UR IN YOUR PAJAMAS!! lunick: *runs in* oops ^^' *runs upstairs and gets ready*
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