Thinking of you,wherever you are..(offline)
Name: Axel Age: Doesn't matter Organization #: 8 Likes: Fire,Sea Salt icecream,Hanging out with Xalda,Annoying Xemnas,Starbucks,and Hair gel Hates: Water,Kaki,and anything else I don't like Nickname: Flamer,Spikey,and Kitty Flurry of Dancing Flames Name: Demyx Age: I dunno know Organization #: 9 Likes: Annoying the Orgnaization,Pranking people,Bubbles,Cookies, David Bowie,Hair gel,and Soda Hates: EMO PEOPLE,Hospitals,Being alone,Axel hurting me,Missions,and THE GAME Nickname: Dem-Dem and Mullet Melodious Nocturne
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