I have another acount....its !Flaming! OFFLINE Got stuff to do see yeah![]() (online status not displayed)
Ok well for starters....Hey Im Axel,A-X-E-L,get it memorized! Axel! You cant forget me too! Ok well w/e me,Axel,am going to type a story about how me,the guys,and Larxene live about at Castle Oblivion....and some other stuff like pranks,bets,and missions. If u have any ideas to add on to the story feel free to tell me!
![]() ~The story starts off at Castle Oblivion~ Me:*siting on the floor* So why are we doing this again Demyx:Cuz I said so Me:Okay...? Demyx:Just help me with this ok Me:What ever I'll help Demyx:Well I was planing on pulling a prank on Luxord Me:Joy -_- Demyx:Neh! >_< Just help me think of how Me:Glue Demyx:What about it? Me:Duh! Use glue! Demyx:Okay? Me:-_- You really ARE slow Demyx:What I cant help that I dont get it! Me:Well learn Demyx:Forget this Im leaving Me:You go do that Demyx:*walks out* Meany Me:I could care less..... Vexen:*walks through a dark portal* Axel,Xemnas wants to speak with you Me:*stands up* Oh joy....*walks through the dark portal* Hey Superior Xemnas:*hands me a peice of paper* Me:*reading it* Ok so you need me AND Demyx to find this one chick whos a nobody and get her to join? Xemnas:Exactly Me:Ok then....why waste paper? Xemnas:Just go Me:What ever *opens a portal* Demyx! Demyx:Yeah Axel? *stops playing sitar* Me:Superior gave us a mision to find this chick from Hollow Bastion Demyx:Where? Me:The place where you battled Sora Demyx:Ohhhhhhh Me:Yeah exactly....lets go t- Demyx:Now ^-^ Me:No I ment tomorrow Demyx:Oh ok ^-^ Works for me *plays sitar again* Me:*walks out of his room* Oh and her name I Nabiki I think Demyx:No X wow thats a first Me:Yeah I know...well see yeah tomorrow Demyx:See yeah! Me:*walks over to Luxord's room*Hey Luxord you in there? Luxord:Yeah why?*opens door* Me:Up for another game? Luxord:Sure. What this time? Me:I could care less right now....I guess Wii Bowling Luxord:Oh come on Me:Hey Im bored I never said "Lets gamble" Luxord:Thats no fun Me:I dont care! *turns on the Wii* So....wheres the remotes? Luxord:*throws one to me* Me:*catches it* ~After a long hour of playing Wii Bowling~ Luxord:*yawns* See Im going to win any way Me:Cheater Luxord:What I do? Me:Cheated duh Luxord:How? Me:You just did Luxord:*anime falls* Your just jelouse I won AGAIN Me:Are not Luxord:Are to Me:Are not! Luxord:You are! Me:I have better things to do then argue with you Luxord:Like what? Me:Sleep Luxord:Nothing new there Me:Neh! *turns the Wii off* See yeah *walks out* I should get to bed...sence I have to go all the way to Hollow Bastion....with Demyx...uhhhhh...*opens a portal and ends up in my room* Uh *falls on my bed* Well this better be a better mission then last time....*falls asleep* ~Next morning~ Demyx:*getting ready* I hope Axel is up already....that would suck if he wasnt Me:*asleep* Demyx:*walks out of his room* Looks like its still dark out....that should help some *walking to my room* Me:*my alarm goes off and I fall off my bed* >_< Owwwww *looks at time* Aw crap I forgot about the mission! *gets up and starts getting ready* Demyx:*knocks on the door* Axel? U up yet? Me:Give me 5 minutes Demyx:Got it ~5 Minutes later~ Me:*opens my door* Ready Demyx:Yep Me:So....sence you've been to Hallow Bastion....by any chance do you remember where its at? Demyx:Hm....*thinking* I remember thats where all the Heartless are Me:Why would a girl be there? Demyx:How should I know! Me:Shhhhh keep it down Demyx:-_- You started it Me:Just shut up *opens portal* Go Demyx:Your coming too Me:I know stupid Demyx:Neh! *goes in* Me:*same* Demyx:*hops out* Me:*follows* So we there? Demyx:Chill! And yeah we are Me:Any idea where? Demyx:*anime falls* Hallow Bastion! DUH! Me:I ment more of where IN Hallow Bastion Demyx:Hell if I know! Nabiki:*siting on building above them* Well there annoying....mabey I should kill them now Demyx:Just look! Me:>_< Nabiki:*jumps down holding her sword* Prepare to die! ![]() Demyx:What the? Me:Wait a second Nabiki:-_- Oh come on! Me:*looks at paper Xemnas gave me* Yep thats her Demyx:You got to be kiding right? Nabiki:*confused* Who wants what? Me:We dont have time for a Q and A Demyx:Do we have to fight her? Me:Yes youd dumb ass Demyx:>_< Meany! *summons his sitar* I'll take this Me:Lame.... Demyx:Just head back Axel Me:*shrugs* I guess I could watch *jumps on the building Nabiki WAS on and watches* Nabiki:*grips her sword* Demyx:Er.... Nabiki:What scared to fight a girl! Demyx:Nooooo Me:Hmm.... Nabiki and Demyx:WHAT! Me:We need music Nabiki and Demyx:-_- Me:*turns on "Open Your Eyes" By Sum41* Nabiki:W/e >_< Demyx:*plays his sitar* Nabiki:You got to be kiding right? Demyx:Nope *makes some water clones* Nabiki:*sighs* Thats lame *swings sword and destroys them* Next? Demyx:Neh! >_< Me:*sighs* This is no funny anymore......*throws one of my Chakrams and jumps down* Nabiki:*barly dodges* Oh joy 2 agenst 1 Me:Says who? Nabiki:Wait what? Me:*picks up my Chakram* We never said we wanted to fight Demyx:Yeah Nabiki:*confused* Wait then why did you come? Me:Becuase Nabiki:-__- Me:*looks at Demyx* Demyx:Er.....Axel why do I have to! Me:Because! Demyx:Blah.....ok well our "boss" told us to come here.... Me:To get you for some reason Nabiki:Why? Me:To be honist....I have no idea Demyx:To get you to join Nabiki:Join what!? Demyx:Our Organization Nabiki:Im totaly lost Demyx:*opens a dark portal* Just come on! Me:Weird..... Nabiki:>_< I dont even know you 2! Demyx:Hi Im Demyx. Ha now you know me Nabiki:-_-' Not what I ment Me:*pushes Nabiki and Demyx in the portal and follows them in* I hated being there Nabiki:*falls face first on the ground* What was that for! Demyx:Bad Axel! *sprays me with a water gun* Me:*shakes my head like a wet dog* What was that for! ~~~TO BE CONTINUED~~~ OH COME ON! HELP THE LIL DRAGONS! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() If u HATE storys with LOT of DRAMA dont read this Quizilla story
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