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RoxY ThaT is My NamE...i Love SameonE ThaT is....

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Name:   xxkittyxroxasxxRanking:   --
Birthday:   1996-10-22Country:   Japan
Joined:   2008-11-25Location:   Brunei Darussalam
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Name:   xxkittyxroxasxx
Birthday:   1996-10-22
Joined:   2008-11-25
Location:   Brunei Darussalam
Uploads:   8 graphics 

~HaY WelcomE 2 My ProfilE~

~HelO....WelcomE 2 my WorlD~

Riny is My ReaL NamE
BuT I PreferR to Go By My NobodY NamE Roxy
Organization #: 17...
hair colour:-

Info:emmm...helo...i am roxy...*blushing*
I am happy go lucky and same time aBiT ShY..BuT LoW TampeR...
I JsT Do WheN PeoplE TolD Me To dO..i dont
LikE WheN i DonT GeT My WaY..i Be Low TampeR...
I dont know how old i really am but I
think it is somewhere around 14 yrs.....(hell yah i am the younges at Organization XIII)
Im DislikE TakeinG PeoplE HeartS....BuT as a NobodY i GoT 2 Do
It...It My WorK....i DonT KnoW y I AllweS FolloW WhaT PeoplE asK
me To Do....
RoxaS..i Like HiM OncE BuT....IdK y i LikE him...

age:-14 yrs old~

ThiS is RoxaS<ThE YelloW HaiR> AnD HiS SamebodY SorA<ThE BrowN HaiR>
age:-emmm....MaybE ArounD 15 YrS OlD...
OrganizatioN #:13
ThE KeybladE of DestinY

ThiS is AxeL AnD RinO<his Somebody>
age:-hemm....i really really dont know...*blushing*
OrganizatioN #:8
FlurrY of DancinG FlameS

Age:-I ReallY DonnO
OrganizatioN #:9
MeledouS NocturouS
info:-hiS AnnoyinG PeoplE i AveR MeeT At OrganizatioN XIII
EveN HiS AnnoyinG HiS a KinD PersoN i Aver MeeT~

AgE:-im not sure...

+LearninG NeW ThingS+




+BullY SorA+

+KillinG HeartlesS+

+HanginG Out WitH RoxaS,AxeL AnD DemyX+

+DreaminG(i WonT TelL u GuyS WhaT i Am DreaMing AbouT)+


+HalF MooN AnD FulL MooN+



-GettinG in TroublE-

-BullY By RoxaS,axeL and DemyX-

-GoT a MissioN 2 do-

-RunninG FoR A LonG TimE-

-MakinG SomeonE SaD-

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