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Name:   HailyRanking:   --
Birthday:   1995-09-11Country:   
Joined:   2008-07-31Location:   
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Uploads:   39 graphics 
Name:   Haily
Birthday:   1995-09-11
Joined:   2008-07-31
Uploads:   39 graphics 

Hello and welcome! I am a budding artist and returning user. I have been developing my artistic style for over 10 years with digital art. My goal is to contribute my art and build a portfolio here on graphic design for profiles and forums on the world wide web. Please have a lovely time as you peruse my profile and art.

More personal information:
Almost two decades ago I used to come here and made friends with several users here, whom I also happened to roleplay with. Those days are long gone, but the memories remain. I had the best time spending my hours here, meeting with others from different places that I'd of never met otherwise.

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User Comments

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Cas: Don't! Don't tell me to calm down. *Snarls and pulls his hand away, looking for him again. He was sure he was there! Cas didn't expect Haily to understand what he meant. She wouldn't understand what was happening and he didn't want her sympathy. It wouldn't do him any good, even if it was her.* What gift? There was nothing there- *Cuts himself off, his sleep-deprived mind trying helplessly to piece things together. His brows furrowed as he stared in no particular direction. His right knee bounced quickly as he grew more and more on edge. He stood up immediately and wiped his hands on his pants* Look, Haily, now's not a good time.. I'm looking for someone. *Pupils dilate for a moment before returning to normal. At this rate, he would snap then and there. He inhaled deeply and exhaled.* I'll.. I'll stop by Yuni's later okay? Maybe I can see you then.. *Spots a wolf from afar and tenses before running after it*
Yuni: Sounds like slave work. *Snorts* But alright. I feel like next time there should be more guys. I was afraid you two might start making out or something. *Takes a drink of orange juice*

Posted on: Jun 13th 2013, 5:05:43am

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Cas: *If it wasn't for her scent, he wouldn't have been able to look up. He forced himself to lift his head, squinting for Haily. He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped. He let his head drop as he just covered his face, a slight tremor shaking his frame as he let out a whimper without his consent. The stress was beginning to be too much. He gritted his teeth and stumbled up after a few tries. At this point, he wasn't even paying attention anymore. In a few steps, he walked right into her, stumbling back a few feet.* Sorry.. Sorry.. *Mutters, already forgetting she was there. He shivered, looking around frantically. He swore he caught his scent.. But it was gone.*
Yuni: Just give me a fucking toilet. *Rushes past as she went to the bathroom, throwing up a few times before she rinsed her mouth out. She returned to them and sighed* Shitty night. That's not happening again. It was boring since you two passed out in a half an hour. *Plops onto a stool, taking a muffin and biting out of it*

Posted on: Jun 13th 2013, 4:13:51am

fairyprincess9585 writes:

Cas: *He couldn't sleep. The area under his eyes darkened from his paranoia. He caught his scent. He had no reason to be at the house and he was afraid as to why he was there. Whenever he had the chance to doze, Cas would wake up from the same nightmare over and over. He just didn't risk it anymore. It was a bad idea for him not to sleep since the full moon was coming up (dun dun) but he didn't have a choice. Shuffling through the streets, he kept his eyes glued to the ground and his other senses keen. Underneath the sleeves of his sweater, the previous wounds healed, but new ones replaced them from his vigorous training. Haily always kept coming up too, which made it worse. His uncle noticed in a heartbeat and continued to lecture him, using her as a driving force for his training. It worked. Cas didn't want to hurt her. He wondered how she was doing.. She seemed so upset last time. He stopped in his tracks, his brows tilting upwards as he was disappointed in himself. He didn't even mean to and he still managed to freak her out without her even knowing the truth. He should just give up. Spotting a bench from afar, Cas entered the park and sat down, pulling his hood over his head as his eyes drooped in exhaustion*
Yuni: *Wakes up with her head pounding. She groans, holding her head as she sat up too fast for her liking* What in the hell.. *Looks around, realizing she was on a couch. She didn't exactly know where she was, but she didn't bother finding out. She still had her dress on, and that was enough for her. She left silently, closing the door behind her as she jogged to the pub. As she jogged, she figured out she was most likely at Eric's. She did remember going with him and there was no one she didn't know at the pub, so it had to be him. She stopped herself from any more thinking, unable to handle it. She opened the door to the pub, sliding in* April, Ino?

Posted on: Jun 12th 2013, 6:13:22am

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Yuni: *Moans softly, shutting her eyes* Fuck.. *Whispers breathlessly, beginning to drift out without her consent. The next few words were mixed together, starting and ending differently as her hands slid out from his shirt and her legs dropped. She was out.*

Posted on: Jun 12th 2013, 5:57:13am

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Yuni: *Shivers as she felt a sensation in the pit of her stomach. She bit her lip, tilting her head to the side as she gave him more access* E-Eric.. *Her hands wander underneath his shirt, her hands warm as she ran them up slowly against his bare skin*

Posted on: Jun 12th 2013, 5:45:21am

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Yuni: Nn..~ *Moans against his lips as she pulls away slowly. She smiles and plants light kisses below his jaw*

Posted on: Jun 12th 2013, 5:29:25am

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Yuni: *Wraps her legs around his hips as she gasps softly. Her returning kiss was needy and rough as she presses against him*

Posted on: Jun 12th 2013, 4:50:30am

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Yuni: *Blushes, wrapping her arms around his neck before kissing him back*

Posted on: Jun 12th 2013, 3:56:05am

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Yuni: *Raises a brow as she caught the smell, before it grew faint. She opens her mouth to pick, but closes it as she decided not to say anything. She looks around, moving a bit slow as to avoid growing dizzy.* Chill place.

Posted on: Jun 12th 2013, 3:52:41am

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Yuni: *Waits until she hears the click. She went onto her tippy-toes, turning him and pressing him against the door as she kissed him. She pulls away after a moment, not allowing him the chance to respond. She smiled and turned the doorknob, the door sliding open*

Posted on: Jun 12th 2013, 3:31:17am

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Yuni: Eh, you'll find out~ Don't worry. *Smirks*

Posted on: Jun 12th 2013, 3:19:59am

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Yuni: *Follows after him, grinning* I hope you aren't tireeeed.

Posted on: Jun 12th 2013, 3:10:08am

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Yuni: Mm.. *Smirks* How about you walk me there instead, hm?

Posted on: Jun 12th 2013, 2:54:32am

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Yuni: Allllrighty! *Takes his hand and drags him out, setting the alarm for them* Sooo, does the girlfriend live with youuuu or do you live with herrrr? *Looks at him*

Posted on: Jun 11th 2013, 3:11:41pm

fairyprincess9585 writes:
Yuni: *Rolls her eyes, sliding off his lap. She already finished her second and half of her third drink by then* There's really no point in staying.. Haily left. I would move the girls, but they can protect themselves and the pub has good enough security. Do you want to head back? *Her words slurred and she pauses occasionally to think her sentence through*

Posted on: Jun 11th 2013, 6:11:16am

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