Can you truly find the redemption to return to face your past? and the Curiosity to revive the past?![]() (offline)
![]() ![]() ![]() My name is Ino, I am 17 and I left home shortly after several events. I went to find answers to me, and my families being of how we are faeries, and what we do not know. However when I returned, I found the most troubling thought; I can't hide from all my past, because eventually you must go out and become your own redemption. ![]() However as I traveled to find answers, I've grown. but when I returned home, I surprised to find that everyone all went their separate paths. Shocked, I've now realized I must find even more answers of the events in my absence. ![]() But if your curiosity peeks an interest, What powers do I wield? My special individual powers are Ice, Snow, and Winter. I can create Ice, a winter storm, and anything I wish. However there are abilities all faeries posses. What are they? Heh... that information is classified. ![]() However.. the worst thing I will have to find out, is what became of my loved ones? Where have they all gone to? To return to a wreckage house, and no one at the Inahara's and it was another wreckage... What in the world has happened? Its as if the childhood I had fallen to ash, Not even a note, a letter, a clue of what has happened.. and only left with my precious memories... Please tell me there is still someone here.. ![]() So far I had found out that the only one that is still home is Yuni.. Her rage is scarce, but understandable. If I known all that had happened... I might of not left, or brought her with me. She was left all alone... Why? What happened to Kahvi? Kaki? Rayek? Satoshi? Payne? Where are all of you!! I am worried... and miss you all... all I have left is Yuni, and my locket and the girls.. ![]() ![]() ![]()
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Posted on: Oct 2nd 2016, 11:40:21pm
Posted on: Jun 6th 2013, 1:15:13am
Posted on: Jun 5th 2013, 3:00:13pm
Yuni: *Scoffs* Yea, right. *Stabs her sword through the floorboard, clearly irritated. Before, her ears would have sharpened as she switched to her fairy side, but that faded. That same rush was locked away and even if she wanted to, she couldn't tap into the power she used to work hard on making her own. She knew this battle would be useless, the different in their powers was too steep. She needed her point to come across. Her fingers wrapped around the grip of her weapon.* So what the hell did you even find out? I would be surprised if you actually made some sort of breakthrough. Not like that would even matter. That shit isn't important anymore. None of it is.
Posted on: Jun 5th 2013, 5:56:23am
Yuni: *Jumps back as her enemy melted from her grasps. Her mind raced. Who would do something like that? No one would have that ability. Battle methods listed in her mind, constantly returning to someone she did not want to see. Her bare legs chilled as she re-materialized, the house growing colder in seconds. Yuni lets out a stubborn hiss, her blood boiling. It would have been better if she was just a normal intruder.* What a surprise to see you here, Ino. *Sneers, turning her blade with a slight flick of her wrist. She gripped the handle, not daring to remove her gaze* What brings you back here? Got bored from "exploring the world"?
Posted on: Jun 5th 2013, 5:27:21am
Yuni: *Was in her room, the only tidied room in the house. With everyone gone, why would she even waste her time? She was barely there anyway and it never got too bad. With a tanktop and short shorts (her sleepwear), she grabs her sword from her bed and steps out which was when she heard the voice. Instantly, her grip tightened around the sword handle. Her steps were silent, a handy trick she learned years ago. One after another, she leaped down the stairs, catching the figure in her sight. Flipping her blade, she held it by the flat sides, thrusting the handle into her chest in order to throw the intruder off their feet. Her eyes were narrowed, completely on-guard* Leave. Now.
Posted on: Jun 5th 2013, 4:53:15am
Posted on: Jun 4th 2013, 2:13:35pm
Posted on: Jun 4th 2013, 5:36:10am
Posted on: Jun 3rd 2013, 12:30:41am
Posted on: Jun 2nd 2013, 11:05:31pm
Posted on: Jun 1st 2013, 4:21:11pm
Posted on: Jun 1st 2013, 10:02:07am
Posted on: Jun 1st 2013, 9:46:20am
Posted on: Jun 1st 2013, 9:34:05am
Posted on: Jun 1st 2013, 9:14:42am