"♥l0v3 is all th3 sam3 why cann't we l0v3 who 3v3r w3 wan't t0o why?sasku3 X Narut0=3"Pl3ase don't tak3 him away fr0m m3 narut0 and sasku3"supp0rt narut0 X Sasku3 l0v3♥ pl3as3(online status not displayed)
iam chan3l and i supp0rt narut0 and saku3 l0v3 if u d0n't lik3 than t0 bad.btw iam N0t 0w kay l3t's talk ab0ut m3 l0l iam t0 m33t new p3opl3 i lov3 t0 c0lor with n0t mark3r 0r c0lor p3ncil i l0ve becaus3 i l0v3 hard candy my favriote disney character is my favriote animals is dogs and 's because th3r3 s0 cut3 and there feathers is my favriote color and that's what i hav3 t0 say f0r n0w enh0y my pr0fil3 and pl3as3 supp0rt narut0 and sasku3 l0v3 thank y0u wanna my fri3nd?just g0 ah3ad and add m3 but t3ll m3 firSt b3f0r3 u d0 add m3 kay d0n't f0rg3t to s3nd m3 0w kay and i will s3nt u a c0mm3nt t0i w0uld u t0 supp0rt narut0 and sasku3 l0v3 pl3as3 d0 m0r3 inf0rmati0n ab0ut m3: fave color:just kidding It's R3d And Black T0g3th3r fave pet: And i l0v3 t0 g3t it mak3s m3 happi. My fav flav0r is vanilla.mmmmm i l0v3 weath3rs i d0n't lik3 t0 b3caus3 l3arning is s0 b0ring th3 t3ach3r just talk talks and talks it's ign0r3ing b3caus3 ur my fri3nd sasku3 and narut0 l0v3 is . I l0v3 my favri0t3 th3m3 s0ng is kingd0m h3arts th3m3 s0ng but in Jap3nese versIon Wach th3 vide0 d0wn bel0w 1.pl3ase d0n't mak3 fun 0f me 2.pl3ase don't mak3 fun 0f sasku3 and narut0 l0v3 3.u can s3nt m3 a comm3nt 4.pl3as3 support th3r3 lov3 5.b3 nic3 6.n0 big pics7.n0 sw3aring8.m3ani3s are n0t all0w3d9.hav3 fun ab0ut this sit3 well this sit3 is made by m3 no on3 else i made sum good i d3as i mad3 this pr0 r3ally unqiu3 b3caus3 iam r3ally int0 diffr3nt stuff i lik3 everthing t0 b3 perf3ct i d0n't lik3 3v3rthing t0 b3 werid and u ev3n u kn0w what i m3an=3i l0v3 b3ing m3 and i l0v3 wh0 iam and what i lik3 pl3as3 resp3ct that kay i think everb0dy sh0uld l0v3 wh0 3v3r th3y want t0 and i think sasku3 and narut0 l0v3 mak3s al0t 0f senc3 and i d0n't car3 what u 0th3r p30pl3 think u can say what ever u lik3 i r3ally d0n't car3 thissupp0rt th3r3 l0v3 pl3as3 b3 a fan 0f th3m tw0 pl3as3 h3lp 0ut. i hav3 anth3r3 pr0fil3 it's list3d on my l0v3r list iam a fan 0f narut0 and kingd0m h3arts and l3t m3 t3ll ya iam r3ally g00d at it i swear iam and r3ally fan i m3an l00k at my pr0 th3r3 aws0m3 i hav3 a funny st0ry t0 t3ll u right i went t0 th3 stor3 t0 g3t a milk and right i f0und a nickel in th3 fl00r s0 i didn't want t0 pick it up until i still saw th3 nickel agian and the story go fr3ky i found out i was going the wrong way until i noticed i was g0ing in circl3s funny st0ry right nah that was th3 stupid's st0ry i hav3 t0ld iam n3v3r 3ver g0ing t0 t3ll st0ry's 3v3r agian b3caus3 iam n0t g00d at it i Hat3!!!!!!cats 0w kay iam i g0ing crazi 0r what that's just h0w i r0l3 i lik3 t0 say diffr3nt thing iam s0rry but i can't h3lp my s3lf h3h3 iam b0r3d i d0n't hav3 n0thing 3ls3 t0 d0 just talk talk and talk ab0ut rand0m stuff i l0v3 dogs d0 u i think d0gs ar3 th3 cut3st thing 3v3r i m33n th3 way th3y bark and play and eat and sleep and and ummmmm and .....i l0st my plac3 eny way i l0v3 u ab0ut Charat3rs this is b0ring t0 r3ad if i was u i w0uld'nt r3ad itNaruto has a large and colorful cast of characters, running a gamut of detailed histories and complex personalities, and allowing many of them their fair share in the spotlight; they also seem to grow and mature throughout the series, as it spans several years. As fitting for a coming-of-age saga, Naruto's world constantly expands and thickens, and his social relations are no exception – during his introduction he has only his teacher and the village's leader for sympathetic figures, but as the story progresses, more and more people become a part of his story. The students at the Ninja Academy, where the story begins, are split up into squads of three after their graduation and become Genin, rookie ninja. Each squad is assigned an experienced sensei. These core squads form a basis for the characters' interactions later in the series, where characters are chosen for missions for their team's strength and complementary skills; Naruto's squad 7 becomes the social frame where Naruto is acquainted with Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, and their sensei Kakashi Hatake, forming the core of his world-in-the-making. The other three-man teams of his former classmates form another such layer, as Naruto connects with them to various degrees, learning of their motives, vulnerabilities, and aspirations, often relating them to his own. The groups of three are not limited to the comrades Naruto's age – groups in the story in general come in threes and multiples of three with very few exceptions. Sensei-student relationships play a significant role in the series; Naruto has a number of mentors with whom he trains and learns, most notably Iruka Umino, the first ninja to recognize Naruto's existence, Kakashi Hatake, his team leader, and Jiraiya, and there are often running threads of tradition and tutelage binding together several generations. These role models provide guidance for their students not only in the ninja arts but also in a number of Japanese aesthetics and philosophical ideals. Techniques, ideals, and mentalities noticeably run in families, Naruto often being exposed to the abilities and traditions of generation-old clans in his village when friends from his own age group demonstrate them, or even achieve improvements of their own; it is poignantly noted that Naruto's generation is particularly talented. Character names often borrow from Japanese folklore and literature (such as the names borrowed from the folktale Jiraiya Goketsu Monogatari), or are otherwise elaborate puns; often there is a noticeable influence of the story behind the name shouldered by the character b3 l0v3d but never lov3.attacH but n3v3r combin3d trip but n3v3r fall.to b3 br0k3n is better than shatterd tell him of your strength but never of your past be trustw0rthy but never trust be crack3d but never 0p3nWonderful FeelingsBeautiful eyes open across a pillow top, It seems for this moment time will stop, The earth slows and sounds wane, A frozen moment without stain.Your body close to mine, Our hearts beat in time, With a smile of simple pleasure, This moment should last forever.Some say perfection is unattainable For most things that's explainable, But in your arms and with your heart's affection I have found a brief moment of perfection. Freeze This Moment We were sitting on your rooftop Staring at the skies The sun was dipping lower i looked into your eyesYou saw what I was feelingI know you felt it too We wanted time to just stand stillThen forever there'd be me and youWhy can't we freeze this moment? Return to it in timeStay together through the years Proclaim I'm yours and you are mine So let us freeze this moment Storeit safely away Even if we leave this place We'll return to it someday this is 0ld but u can r3ad it if u want t0 WELCOME TO MY PROFILE I KNOW THERE IS NOT MUCH HERE PUT I WANT U TO KNOW THAT YES IAM A NARUTO LOVER I LOVE THIS BOY HE IS SO SEXXI AND YET HOT IM NEW TO THIS WHOLE THING I REALLY DONT KNOW MUCH WAT TO DO HERE BUT ILL TELL U THAT I BEAN PUTTING SUM AVATARS AND GLITTER IN MY MYSPACE I THINK NARUTO IS THE CUTEST THING I EVER SEEN IN MY WHOLE LIFE WELL THATS ALL WAT I HAVE TO SAY SO ENJOY MY PROFILERULESCOMMENT ME LOOK AROUND NO MEAN STUFF U CAN SENT ME A NARUTO COMMENT U CAN LOOK AT MY GRAPHICS U CAN ALSO COMMENT THEM AND HAVE FUNWELL I LOVE FASHION I LOVE TO DANCE I LIKE TO GO ON THE COMPUTER MY FAVRIOTE COLOR IS RED AND BLUE AND ALSO BLACK I LOVE TO DRESS NICE TO SKOOL IN PARTIS I LOVE TO DRESS SO NICE AND WHEN ITS TIME TO DANCE I DANCE SO HOT IM FUNNI SUM TIMES AND YET IM HOT LOL I LOVE TO DO ALOT OF THINGS AND I LOVE TO TALK IN MY CELL PHONE AND THE MALLS IN NEW YORK CITY LOVE THEM I PICK SO MANY CLOTHES ITS NOT EVEN FUNNI YOW IN NEW YORK STORE AFTER STORE AFTER STORE TO MUCH PLACES TO SHOP MY FAVRIOTE STORE IS STRAWBERRY AND H&M MY FAVRIOTE TV SHOW IS NARUTO IDK Y MY SIS MADE ME WACH IT ONCE AND I LIKED IT SO I BEEN WACHING IT LOLI KNOW THERE IS NOT MUCH IN MY PROFILE BUT I WANT U TO KNOW THAT I REALLY LIKE TO SIGN UP OF THESE THINGS AND EVRYTHING SO I HOPE U GUYS ME MY FRIENDS AND LEAVE ME COMMENTS BECAUSE IM FEELING ALITTLE SHY RIGHT LOL IF I DONT HAVE NO FRIENDS I FEEL SO LONLEY LIKE GARRA AND HAVE NO ONE TO TALK TO AND IF U LEAVE ME A COMMENT I WILL LEAVE U A COMMENT SO WAT IM JUST ASKING IS PLEASE ADD ME AS A FRIEND PRETTY PLEASE LOL AND I NEED HELP WAT TO DO IN THIS WHOLE GLITTER GRAPHICS STUFF AND HOW TO MAKE A GRAPHIC THING SO I DONT KNOW MUCH THANKS 4 LOOKING THROUGH MY PROFILEMY KIND OF MUSIC IS R&B AND I LOVE THE THEME SONG OF NARUTO I MEAN ITS SO COOL AND AWSOME AND I LOVE NARUTO AND NEJI I THINK THERE HOT AND SWEET AND CUTE AND SEXII LOL BUT IT IS TRUE I MEAN U SEE THOSE GURLS RUNNING AFTER THEM LIKE THERE THE CUTEST THING THEY EVER SAW AND ONE OF THOSE POEPLE ARE LOL WHEN I SAW THIS SHOW IM LIKE WOW THIS THING WILL BE COOOL THEN I LOVED IT BECAUSE THE CHARATER AND GARRA WELL I THINK HES REALLY CUTE AND EVIL AND YET HES HOT BUT I HATE WHEN THESE CHARTAER GETS TO U KNOW WERID AND EVERTHING YEAname:chanel live:??? stat:??? color:red and blue animal:dog and bird thing to do;dance eat:pizza and icecream favriote charater in naruto:Naruto he is so sexxi A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift. A friend is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift. A friendis someone who fills our lives with beauty,joy, and grace.And makes the whole world we live in a better and happier place.You are friendly, kind and caring Sensitive, loyal and understanding Humorous, fun, secure and true Always there... yes that's you.Special, accepting, exciting and wise Truthful and helpful, with honest blue eyes Confiding, forgiving, cheerful and bright Yes that's you... not one bit of spite.You're one of a kind, different from others Generous, charming, but not one that smothers Optimistic, thoughtful, happy and game But not just another... in the long chain.Appreciative, warm and precious like gold Our friendship won't tarnish or ever grow old You'll always be there, I know that is true I'll always be here... always for you. Love, like a river, will cut a new path whenever it meets an obstacle.Love is like a mustard seed;planted by God and watered by men.There is only one happiness in life,to love and be loved.You know you are in love when you see the world in her eyes, Ughhh!!!! i hat3 h0m3w0rk h0mew0rk sucks i wish my sk00l can explod3 but with n0body in it l0lz i m3an wh0 lik3s sk00ls w3ll um n3rds that's 4 sur3 iam srry but sk00l is s0 stupid t3ll m3 d03s any 0n3 agr33 with m3 it's a wast3 0f tim3 but it giv3s u g00d educati0n i hav3 n0 ch0ic3 t0 stay in sk00l and g3t what 3v3r i want what i s33 in his eyes is everything i n33d in this w0rld.things i can do wach tv,go to the mall,stay home,sleep,eat junk food,go see a movie,do nothing,stare at the wall,play anime,make yaoi of naruto and saskue,go tease my sitter,flirt with b0ys,stay 0nlin3,babysit,.....ummmm i 0ut 0f id3a's ow yea dancing and pretend iam a kingdom hearts sing3r l0lz i t0ld u i was b0r3d and iam b0r3d as h3ll i love candy and other stuff i love junk food love swiiming hate homework love naruto and saskue makes a good couple bother my sis fight with my brother go check 0ut sum c00l cl0th3s dr3ss like naruto and keep saying and eating I l0v3 ram3n b3liv3 it!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's fun b3ing a girl w3ll sum tim3s awww u cann't rist tw0 l0v3rs just l3av3 th3s3 pl30pl3 al0n3 l3t th3m l0v3 wh0 3v3r th3y want t0 d0 n0t b0th3r th3m u mak3 th3m f33l r3ally uncomforatbl3 pl3as3 h3lp i kn0w that i said al0t but pl3as3 supp0rt th3r3 l0v3 i just ask u pl3as3 there just anim3 it's n0t a crim3 there n0t r3ally r3al th3r3 imaginer cann't u und3rstand that my G0sh!!!!!!! Ar3 u a Narut0 fan w3ll iam iam g0ing t0 start a Narut0 fan Club pr3tti s00n wh3n i Hav3 tim3 iam always busy d0ing stuff i will f0und a g00d tim3 t0 mak3 0ne i m3an wh0 d03n't l0v3 narut0 h3's s0 cut3 i l0v3 his p3rsonaltiy i m33n in th3 sh0w h3 acts s0 childish but in his pics h3 do3nt l00k lik3 it h3 se3ms lik3 tw0 diffr3nt charct3rs i saw all his ep0sid3s th3r3 s0 c00l and his m0vi3 Narut0!!!!!! u r0ck awwwwwwwl00k what i f0und i f0und a cut3 h0s3 i l0v3 glitt3r-graphics stuff th3r3 s0 cut3 i m3an th3 c0lors of it r0cks my w0rld why cann't th3 w0rld stay lik3 us lik3 nic3 and p3aceful but th3 w0rld is a traggic3 thing i hat3 this w0rld th3r3's b0 p3ac3 and th3r3 is n0 l0v3 we n33d l0v3 in this w0rld why why? cann't the w0rld b3 lik3 glitt3r-graphics nic3 p3ac3ful and a safe plac3 t0 b3 wh0 agr33es with m3 h3y it's alm0st val3ntin3s Day haPPy Val3nt's Day i l0v3 F3b 14 l0v3 is in th3 air in this kind 0f m0nth i m3an what kind0f girl do3n't lik3 canDy and Fl0w3rs i kn0w i d0 i cann't wait what kind 0f stuff i g3t f0r val3ntin3's day i h0p3 i g3t a ball0n3 that says i l0v3 u and i want a t3ddy b3ar with a r3d rib0n i l0v3 val3ntin3's day pink and r3d a perf3ct c0lor f0r this m0nth want agian ev3rb0dy Val3ntin3's Day tHis G03s 0ut t0 all my fri3nd thanks f0r th3 c0mm3nts and addIng m3 and Requsting and m3 and sum 0f u supportinG narut0 and Sasku3 l0v3 ThanK Y0u GuysBtw guYs is it Fun Making N3w Fri3ndz♥EnJ0y Lif3 Ev3r0n3♥ur still y0ung g0 hav3 fun and sh0w 3v3rb0dy that ur lif3 is p3rf3ct and that ur happi t0 b3 what u ar3 i m3an wh0 d03n't l0v3 th3r3 lif3 try t0 g0 d0 sumthing thing 0w kay iam s0 b0r3d i hav3 n0thing 3lse t0 d0 just sit d0wn and watch tv i hav3 n0thing 3lse t0 do just star3 at th3 wall i Hat3 h0m3w0rk f0r visting my pr0fil3 c0m3 agian r3al s00n R3m3mber N0 Big Pics . Th3 Wind is bl0wing t0 th3 east th3 wind is reminding m3 0f u i kn0w h0w much i miss ur kiss i kn0w h0w much i miss ur smil3 i kn0w how much i miss ur voci3 no matt3r where u ar3 ill always b3 will y0u Narut0 X Sasku3 If the moon smiled, she would resemble you.You leave the same impression Of something beautiful, but annihilating.Both of you are greatlight borrowers. Her O-mouth grieves at the world; yours is unaffected,And your first gift is making stone out of everything. I wake to a mausoleum; you are here, Ticking your fingers on the marble table, looking for cigarettes, Spiteful as a woman, but not so nervous, And dying to say something unanswerable. None of them are strange,With socks of lace And beaded ceintures. People are not going To dream of baboons and periwinkles. Only, here and there, an old sailor, Drunk and asleep in his boots,Catches Tigers In red weather.The houses are haunted By white night-gowns. None are green, Or purple with green rings, Or green with yellow rings, Or yellow with blue rings. Kiss me heart,kiss me dear,kiss me out of love or fear. Kiss me strong, kiss me brave, kiss me til i've dug my grave.Kiss the ground,kiss the sky,kiss me baby,make me high. . HaPpy Val3ntin3's Day .
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Posted on: Sep 30th 2012, 12:33:02am
Thank You
Posted on: Oct 20th 2010, 8:23:48am