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I'm hot, you're cold You go around like you know who i am, but you dont you got me on my toes im slipping into the lava and im trying to keep from going under baby you turn the temerature hotter cuz im burning up burning up for you baby come on girl i fell [i fell] so fast [so fast] cant hold myself bac high heels [high heels] red dress [red dress] its all by yourself gotta ctach my breath im slipping into the lava and im trying to keep from going under baby you turn the temperature hoter cuz im burning up burning up for you baby

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Name:   mRs. NiChOlAs JeRrY jOnAsRanking:   --
Birthday:   1993-02-04Country:   
Joined:   2008-06-10Location:   a state
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   38 graphics 
Name:   mRs. NiChOlAs JeRrY jOnAs
Birthday:   1993-02-04
Joined:   2008-06-10
Location:   a state
Uploads:   38 graphics 

OMNJJ anna this graphic is for us!!!

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