You are my Life now -Edward Cullen/ Do I Dazzle you? -Edward Cullen/ Brefesttime for the human -Edward Cullen/ I hate driveing slow -Edward Cullen/ When you can live forever, What do you live for?(online status not displayed)
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Age:14 Cursh: Can't Say Likes:Traing,Winning,Danceing,Mess with my sister stuff Hates:When my sister gets my back,Loseing,Team rocket! Pic of my ^^ My sister Name:Ivy Age:16 Cursh:She won't tell me -_- Likes:Training,Beating me,Sleeping Hates:Being waken up,Getting yelled at MY POKEMON Name:Miley (Female) Likes:Training,Winning,Playing,Mess with Ash,Playing with picachu,Playing with Kella Hates:Loseing,Team rocket Name:Kella (Female) Likes:Traing,winning,sleeping,Playing around Hate:Loseing,Jake Name:Cole (male) Likes:Fighting,Miley,Sleep,eating Hates:Kella,Loseing Name:Aly (Female) Likes:Sleeping,Messing with kella Hates: traning Name:Kaylee (female)(kella younger sister) Likes:Winning,Playing with Kella Hates:When Kella is mean to her Name:Drake (Male) Likes:sleeping,loseing hate:winning Name:Bradon (male) Likes:Sleeping,Winning Hates:Loseing
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