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i love the naruto series it's awsome (i'm a big fan lol)

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Name:   hinata fanRanking:   --
Birthday:   1920-06-14Country:   
Joined:   2007-07-02Location:   the computer (i practally live on it)
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   38 graphics 
Name:   hinata fan
Birthday:   1920-06-14
Joined:   2007-07-02
Location:   the computer (i practally live on it)
Uploads:   38 graphics 

im just like hinata
i think naruto's cute and i'm shy .
saskue is ok but after he gose evil he's not a big heart throb any more.
sakura is my other favorite chacter, she's pretty, samrt, and devoted.
hinata is the best though.
don't know why but she is!

i drew this hope u like it

i drew this hope u like it...

yeah i know it's not even anime, but this is a great but sad song u should watch this!

i love this song!

hey! go 2 to see which naruto character u r most like!

i made this.... it took 4 ever!(lol)

i made this but didn't draw it (duh!)

i love this song!


me, tenten, and jenny!

me, tenten, and sakura_luver 16

me, sakura luver, and tenten!

sakura_luver 16


and all 4 of us!!

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