"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He with make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5,6(offline)
I'm a 56 yr. old, extremely happily married, Christian woman who is married to the most wonderful, caring, thoughtful, handsome, romantic, Godly man in the world--and he just happens to be my soul-mate! We have two sons (Josh, age 24 & Jon, age 20) that are the greatest boys you'd ever want to meet. In addition to that, we are Grandparents to the most adorable little GRANDSON in the world. Our son Josh, and his wife, Chrissy, had their first child in May 2009 and his name is: Noah Christian Hammond. Dion and I are totally in love with him...and guess what? The feeling is entirely mutual on Noah's part! When little Noah sees his Grandma and especially his Grandpa (That's US!), he starts giggling and smiling and the whole world lights up. He's the most amazing little guy in the whole world and we love him to pieces!
Furtermore, I have a twin sister named Sande that looks just like me (poor thing); another set of twin sisters, Barbara & Beverly; an older sister Carol Lee, that's really cool; two half-brothers, Freddie & Tracy; and my brother, John, that's in Heaven. Dion (my husband) has an older sister named Donna and two younger brothers named Daren and Drew and his older brother, Dana, is in Heaven. I've known Dion since he was just a young boy of 10 yrs. old before his brother, Dana, got killed in a tragic car accident. Dana was so special and amazing! He and Dion were very close and it totally changed the course of Dion's entire life to lose Dana like that. It changed my life drastically, too. You see, I was engaged to Dana when he was killed in that car accident--and it was almost the end of my life, too. I loved Dana so much that I didn't really want to live anymore when I lost him, but some how I found the strength. I didn't realize it then, but the Lord started watching over me in a special way. When I got older, the Lord would tap on my shoulder again and see if I was ready for a serious conversation and to get to know Him and I'm sure glad that I was! Before that, though, I made a lot of mistakes in my life, but they all lead me to where I am today--and that's why I wouldn't change a thing! But right then, Dana's (and Dion's) father started watching over me--like I was part of the family--and he kept right on doing that, right on through my getting married to a mean husband and then I divorced him,then I moved to Texas, then to Virginia, then back to New York State--a span of about 25 yrs.--and then I found DION. Who but the Lord would have thought to have put DION AND I together? Well, we're a perfect match! We're soul-mates and I just know that Dana is looking down from Heaven and smiling because he's happy for both of us! Praise God! Now I write children's books and I'm working on a couple of projects right now. They are both for young adults(YA)--one is a crime-mystery type story and the other is a paranormal historical romance. I have just been recently published for my first time and I'm so excited! A short story that I wrote entitled "The Rose" was accepted for publication in an eMagazine, and it will be out some time in October 2010. I know it's a small beginning, but the Lord says not to forsake our small beginnings, right? And besides...I feel humbled and honored that someone would want to publish something that I have written. It almost makes me want to cry. AS ALWAYS: Anyone that would like to give me any insight on any of the subjects of my stories, just send a confidential email to: cyndesgotthewritestuff@gmail.com. Be sure to write "G-G Story" in the subject line. Also, I've written several poems and short-stories for magazines (both fiction and non-fiction). I love to write letters and almost any kind of writing. Right now I'm taking a two-year writing course at the Institute of Children's Literature to help me makesure my writing skills are the best they can be (I've almost completed it!) Furthermore, I'm taking an amazing course called "Holly Lisle's How To Think Sideways Career Survival Course For Writers". It is filled with the most useful information I have ever come across and I'm learning a ton of stuff! I guarantee that by the end of that course, I will have finished my very first novel. (That's my goal, so pray for me, OK?) >>>>>I love Tinkerbell! and I'd love to be added as friends to anyone else that loves Tinkerbell, too!<<<<< ***I ALSO LOVE: Jesus, my family, riding on the back of my husband's 1973 Honda CB750 motorcycle, horses, COWS, swimming, photography, walking, PSP, making friends, reading & writing; but nothing compares to spending time alone with my hubby & snuggling with him! ***AND I LOVE: all things "DISNEY!" You know; Bambi, Thumper, Cinderella, and anything or anyone that is in the family of "Disney." ***ANOTHER THING I LOVE: are the little dolls! They are SO pretty; and they're in all hair colors and styles and I just LOVE their pretty little dresses, don't you? IMPORTANT: If anyone has any ideas that they have for a story they'd like to see me write about, please submit your ideas in the comment section below. Any and all ideas will be seriously considered because YOU are the people I'm writing for. No idea is too weird, so please try me. I'll even write back if you want me to. Thanks a lot! ~Cynde ***>>>>>>>>>>MORE THINGS THAT I REALLY, REALLY LOVE: ***This nice "About Cynde" chart was made for me by my friend, Erica ("anything_1021"): Noah was born at 3:15 a.m. on Saturday, 02 May 2009. He weighed 7 lbs. 9 ozs.; he was 20 inches long; and he has a head full of curly, medium-dark brown hair. He's a perfect cross between his beautiful mom and his handsome dad, plus he looks like his grandpa (my husband, Dion), too! He's all Hammond, through and through. We're are so happy; we thank the Lord for blessing us with this beautiful, healthy baby!
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Posted on: Nov 20th 2011, 3:43:28pm
Posted on: Jun 10th 2011, 8:28:34am
Posted on: May 3rd 2011, 1:36:39pm
Posted on: Apr 24th 2011, 12:49:49pm
I hope that you and your family had a happy new year
God bless
MelanieRodriguez <3
Posted on: Jan 22nd 2011, 10:58:49am
Posted on: Jan 13th 2011, 4:00:25am
Posted on: Dec 24th 2010, 6:17:15am
It's been ages for me to open my account. sorry for the very late reply.
Well, school's fine.
I forgot where I found my heart background. haha.
oh and just visited you blog. very nice.
Posted on: Dec 23rd 2010, 11:45:43pm
Posted on: Dec 4th 2010, 1:04:12pm
Posted on: Nov 27th 2010, 11:09:22am
Posted on: Nov 19th 2010, 4:47:28am
Have a sweet day.
Posted on: Nov 13th 2010, 5:02:46am
Thank You
Posted on: Oct 26th 2010, 6:55:13am
Posted on: Sep 20th 2010, 11:29:04am