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Name:   star94Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1994-12-06Country:   United States
Joined:   2009-10-19Location:   Brownsville, Texas
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   star94
Birthday:   1994-12-06
Joined:   2009-10-19
Location:   Brownsville, Texas
well i just got a new kitten and it is almost 3 months old it will be a year old on august 26th 2010 and i have two brothers one is 14 and his name is kyle and my other brother just turned 3 and his name is kevin i am very outgoing and love music and movies and to write peoms and also my best friends name is jessica and i can go to her for anything cuz she will help me with anything that i need help with if its guy problems or need someone to talk to i talk to her
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