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Name:   Muffin Eaterâ„¢Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1992-06-08Country:   
Joined:   2008-09-29Location:   Mikey D's ;D
Posts:   0 comments
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Name:   Muffin Eaterâ„¢
Birthday:   1992-06-08
Joined:   2008-09-29
Location:   Mikey D's ;D
Uploads:   3 graphics
This is my new account. Add it...Bitches.

I'm Allora. My family kicked mee out of my housee when I was 5 years old to "see new options" or someething. Eventually I ended up living with my best friend and her family. My bestiee now hates mee becausee I get moree attention thenn her. Shes jealous becausee I cann read minds if I wan't to. I'm not poploular nor am I a nerddd. I'm right inn thee middleee. My best friend now is Leesha :)
If youu must know Rosee IS jealous, haha!I've tried to runn away from my family but i cant. I've always been found and about 2 times housee aressted.I'm pretty smart for my age, my IQ is 120.
You will never fool me, or trick me. I will find it out quickly.
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