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Name:    Grant Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1993-07-21Country:   
Joined:   2013-09-22Location:   
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Name:    Grant
Birthday:   1993-07-21
Joined:   2013-09-22

Grant, got a beautiful little girl named Kendall.

With a heavy heart I have come here to state that Grant passed away.
Due to a tumor within his brain.
Please don't ask any further questions, just leave your comments below.
He would love to see you all happy, but I'm sure finding this out will be hard.
I miss you grant, always.
I miss you so much. I never thought I would lose you.
I always figured you'd always be around, yah know? Because you always came back.
You can't come back now & i can't comprehend that. I can't & I don't want too...
Not too sure if it is right to do, but I added myself to your "idols" down there.
I miss you. Always.
I miss you so much. My heart will never heal from this. -Nickie

you were one of my good friends, grant. you've helped me out when i had no idea what to do. i hope they're treating you well up there. just know that you were a very good dad to kendall. rest in peace grant. - michaela.
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User Comments

cursedmind writes:
You'd tell me "I told you so" right now.

I miss you.

Posted on: Feb 7th 2016, 1:44:49am

cursedmind writes:
I miss your corny jokes and silly pick up lines

Posted on: Jan 30th 2016, 2:18:04am

cursedmind writes:
Missing you. :(

Posted on: Jan 18th 2016, 3:27:00am

cursedmind writes:
Two years and I think I'm just now realizing you're not coming back

Posted on: Jan 14th 2016, 7:53:41pm

cursedmind writes:
You can come back now

Posted on: Jan 13th 2016, 4:02:01am

cursedmind writes:
I wonder what kinda conversations we'd have nowadays. Or if we'd still even talk. I wonder about how your daughter is, or if she even existed or if you did. Regardless, I miss you. I miss you so much. I wonder if you'd still be in love with me, or if I'd still want to be with you. I wonder if we would have met by now, or if you would have came to me and told me you were fake. I wonder if this is real, or if I'm just still being a fool for missing you. I wonder a lot of things, but regardless, I miss you the same.

Posted on: Jan 10th 2016, 11:10:48pm

cursedmind writes:
I miss you :(

Posted on: Jan 10th 2016, 6:18:09am

cursedmind writes:
Soon your page will only be me telling you how much I miss you.
It's 2016 and I still wish you were here.

Posted on: Jan 4th 2016, 5:52:20am

cursedmind writes:
"Oh darling I wish you were here."

Posted on: Dec 29th 2015, 5:43:24am

cursedmind writes:
It's funny, you know? I got so used to you leaving, that at first this didn't seem real. I figured it would be a joke, and you know, maybe it was. Maybe you weren't real, and maybe you didn't die, and maybe the person pretending to be "you" just decided to stop being "you" and the only way they could get out of it besides telling everyone they lied, was by killing you off. I got so used to always being in and out of my life that it didn't seem so bad that this would be a joke, because at least then you'd come back. And I could yell at you and call you an asshole, and you'd call me a huge bitch, and tell me I was cunt, but then we would make up. We would tell each other we loved one another, and it would be back to normal. We would go back to making jokes and talking about everything. We'd be best friends again. It's funny because I wouldn't mind that. But it's clear to me now, that even if it wasn't a joke and even if you really did die, that missing you sucks. Missing you hurts. Missing you does feel real. And I'm not quite sure I've really dealt with it. I pushed it down inside of me because life was changing around me and I didn't have the time. I didn't have time to grieve and I didn't have time to think about how much missing you sucks. And my life has changed. I'm hardly on here, and I keep in contact with very few people from here. I've been with a great guy for over a year, that I know you would say you're jealous of but that you're glad I'm happy. But what's not funny? What's not funny is not getting to talk to you. Not getting to tell you how my day is. Not getting to hear advice. What's not funny is not getting to call you an asshole and you call me a bitch. What's not funny is not being able to tell you that I love you. What's not funny is missing my best friend. I miss you. I got used to missing you, but I always knew you'd resurface, but this time it's different. It's been over a year, of knowing you're not coming back, and it hurts. Gawd it hurts. Regardless of anything, I always knew my best friend would come back, and what gets to me is knowing my best friend won't be coming back. I miss you. I miss you so much. I love you, asshole. Always.

Posted on: Dec 28th 2015, 1:44:21am

cursedmind writes:
I miss you every day

Posted on: Dec 14th 2015, 5:27:02am

cursedmind writes:
My heart hurts without you here.
And I don't think it'll ever stop.

Posted on: Dec 4th 2015, 8:16:31pm

littlelion. writes:

Posted on: Dec 4th 2015, 5:05:10am

krampus writes:
i miss you so much grant

Posted on: Nov 29th 2015, 1:36:57am

swag writes:

i'll never delete you.

miss you

Posted on: Nov 17th 2015, 8:04:34pm

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