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Name:    Grant Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1993-07-21Country:   
Joined:   2013-09-22Location:   
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Name:    Grant
Birthday:   1993-07-21
Joined:   2013-09-22

Grant, got a beautiful little girl named Kendall.

With a heavy heart I have come here to state that Grant passed away.
Due to a tumor within his brain.
Please don't ask any further questions, just leave your comments below.
He would love to see you all happy, but I'm sure finding this out will be hard.
I miss you grant, always.
I miss you so much. I never thought I would lose you.
I always figured you'd always be around, yah know? Because you always came back.
You can't come back now & i can't comprehend that. I can't & I don't want too...
Not too sure if it is right to do, but I added myself to your "idols" down there.
I miss you. Always.
I miss you so much. My heart will never heal from this. -Nickie

you were one of my good friends, grant. you've helped me out when i had no idea what to do. i hope they're treating you well up there. just know that you were a very good dad to kendall. rest in peace grant. - michaela.
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User Comments

bmth writes:
Oh and I actually logged onto GG tonight on my laptop.
Everything looks EXACTLY the same.
It made memories of everyone on here and Myspace days come flooding back.
And how I wish your "offline" icon would turn back on.
I miss you so damn much.

Posted on: Oct 7th 2018, 8:37:23am

bmth writes:
Soooo. I'm married now.
I'm not sure how you would respond to that.
Next comes children, right? I hope so.
You weren't around to hear my diagnosis about children.
To sum it up, there's a chance I may be able to have children. Or not.
I really don't know anymore. But if you remember anything about me,
you know that I have always wanted to be a mother.
I guess we'll see, right?.. :/
I miss you and I love you. <3

Posted on: Oct 7th 2018, 8:35:38am

bmth writes:
I wish I could ask for your advice and you actually respond. I wish I could just talk to you one last time. I really need you...
Sometimes I just wish I could skip all of this and join you wherever you are.
I really need your crying shoulder. I just don’t know what to do.

Posted on: Jun 15th 2018, 11:24:59am

bmth writes:
Thinking of you a little extra today.
Only 3 more months until my wedding...
I wish you could be here.

Posted on: Apr 25th 2018, 11:06:24am

bmth writes:
I'm engaged! I wish you could be here for this moment. I finally have someone who loves me and takes care of me. ❤

Posted on: Dec 12th 2017, 9:56:06pm

skitzo writes:
I miss you beyond words. :(

Posted on: Nov 18th 2017, 4:44:57pm

bmth writes:
Granters, I saw there was a bad hurricane and huge flood in Texas. It's soooo awful, and it's only supposed to get worse from now. :/ I really hope your grave is okay. And I pray even more that Kendall is alright. I love you so much, and I miss you everyday. So please let everyone that is dear to you be okay. I have worried so much. :/ I just wish you were still here. Rest peacefully, Grantycakes. I love you. ❤️

Posted on: Aug 28th 2017, 2:37:49am

bmth writes:
I really need you here.

Posted on: May 25th 2017, 5:37:26am

bmth writes:
I found a handsome and sweet man,
and he's crazy enough to want to marry me.
His parents already gave me their blessing.
I've known him for about 8 months now but we never
acted on anything until almost a month ago.
Maybe it's too soon for me to have moved on but I
don't think I have ever been more happy with someone.

Here's another update, I've been really sick for almost a year.
I don't think I ever told you that on here;
although I'm sure if you have been looking down on me, that you see it all.
They found out my diagnosis a couple weeks ago. I was diagnosed with gallstones.
I meet my surgeon on Monday, May 22. I'm so nervous. It's my first surgery.
I've lost so much weight from this that it's scary.
Eating and drinking scares me. It's so painful.
And they waited so long to figure out what's wrong with me that it harmed my liver.
Grant, I'm so scared and I wish you were here to calm me.

But I'll end this with good news -
I started working in the ER on May 8th.
It's so busy, but I love it. I love all the stories I get everyday.
Yeah, it hurts. But I couldn't have found a better place for me to be.
I feel needed. I feel wanted. I feel like I have a purpose at work.
This is where I need to be.

I only wish you could see it.
I love you so much. Rest peacefully, dear. <3

Posted on: May 20th 2017, 4:28:50pm

cursedmind writes:
Missing you doesn't change, just like my love for you never died.

Posted on: Apr 20th 2017, 7:54:39pm

bmth writes:
Hey, Granters.
It's so strange -
You've been gone for years and still I find myself right here.

I just wanted to say that that perfect guy...
Well, that ended two days ago on Easter.
And now I'm chasing my best friend down.
He won't give me the time of day because I was such an awful person to him.

I wish I could take back time.
I'd be able to tell you the things I couldn't say when you were alive.
I'd be able to move in with you like we planned.
I'd stop your death, somehow.

I love you, and I always will.
I can't wait to see you one day.

Posted on: Apr 18th 2017, 7:51:06pm

bmth writes:
Today was a really bad day.
I wish you were here to tell me it's all going to be okay.

Posted on: Mar 26th 2017, 4:59:58am

cursedmind writes:
Hey Grants. It's me again. I miss you.
Got a new job lined up, and then maybe I'll stop being lazy and try school out. It's crazy to me, how long you've been gone. I still think about you though. I still wait on your texts sometimes or you telling me it was all a misunderstanding and that you're back now. Me being mad, but relieved. But that's not going to happen. You're gone, and you're going to stay gone. But I still miss you. My life's had so many ups and downs just in the last year alone. Maybe I should get my head back on straight... anyways, until next time. I miss you, always.

Posted on: Mar 21st 2017, 9:08:39pm

bmth writes:
I don't remember ever mentioning but
I got out that abusive relationship.
I was with the guy for over two years.
I ended it in early October.
It took me so long to get out of it.
I'm glad I did before things got worse.

The guy I'm with now, the one I talk about -
He's been here since late October.
He's a true charmer, just like you.
He has your sense of humor sometimes.
I really think this is it for me.

I'm pinned as a Patient Care Technician on March 30th.
I graduate college on March 30th, Grant. Wow.
Oh my God, I can't believe this is me right now.
I wish you were here so I could talk to you about this.
Babycakes, you would be so proud.
And I would just be overwhelmed with happiness just by your company again.

My life is still in ruins, don't get me wrong.
But I'm slowly building it back up.
I have a PCT job lined up. My interview is on Wednesday.
I'm nervous, so so nervous.
It's a full time position in the ER.

I hope you're looking down at me and smiling.
Better yet, I hope you're sitting right next to me
while I'm typing this to you and smiling at me.
I wish I could hear your voice.
Just to hear you're proud of me.
I miss you so much. Even more than yesterday.

Posted on: Mar 20th 2017, 3:39:31am

bmth writes:
I came across Baby, We're Invincible by A Rocketship To The Moon.

Memories flooded back. I remember when you showed it to me so many, many years ago.

"If I could take your heart and keep it close to me -
I swear it will not break, I swear it will not bleed." 🎶

I miss you just as much as I did the day you died.

I love you, Grantycakes. Even though it's been so long, it still hurts just the same.

Rest peacefully, Grant 💔

Posted on: Feb 28th 2017, 10:00:34pm

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