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Name:    Grant Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1993-07-21Country:   
Joined:   2013-09-22Location:   
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Name:    Grant
Birthday:   1993-07-21
Joined:   2013-09-22

Grant, got a beautiful little girl named Kendall.

With a heavy heart I have come here to state that Grant passed away.
Due to a tumor within his brain.
Please don't ask any further questions, just leave your comments below.
He would love to see you all happy, but I'm sure finding this out will be hard.
I miss you grant, always.
I miss you so much. I never thought I would lose you.
I always figured you'd always be around, yah know? Because you always came back.
You can't come back now & i can't comprehend that. I can't & I don't want too...
Not too sure if it is right to do, but I added myself to your "idols" down there.
I miss you. Always.
I miss you so much. My heart will never heal from this. -Nickie

you were one of my good friends, grant. you've helped me out when i had no idea what to do. i hope they're treating you well up there. just know that you were a very good dad to kendall. rest in peace grant. - michaela.
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User Comments

bmth writes:
I'll be graduating from college on March 30th.
I wish you could be there. I miss you so much.

Posted on: Jan 27th 2017, 9:35:58pm

cursedmind writes:
I miss you

Posted on: Jan 11th 2017, 4:15:02am

cursedmind writes:
Missing you everyday and it never feels any different than the first day I found out.

I love you always

Posted on: Dec 28th 2016, 12:35:02am

bmth writes:
So I met this really great guy. His name is Daniel.
I think you would appove of him. He's everything that
I have ever dreamed of, and he treats me like a princess.
I'm spending December 31st and New Years Day with him.
I figured maybe he could end 2016 and begin 2017 right.
He is everything I have been dreaming about.
You'd probably say to slow down and don't fall too fast.
We've been talking for almost two months, but I swear
he is absolutely perfect. Although he lives an hour and
a half away, we are determined to make this work.
I feel so happy and free. Not just because of him, but
also because of the lessons I have learned from this year.
I know you would be so proud of me. I miss you.
And I love you. Sweet dreams, Granters. <3

Posted on: Dec 23rd 2016, 4:30:19am

bmth writes:
I may be stupid for saying this,
but please come back. I need you so much it hurts.

Posted on: Dec 12th 2016, 4:01:43am

bmth writes:
I wish you were here right now, Grantycakes.
You would know exactly what to say and do.
You would find a way to calm me down.
I love you.

Posted on: Dec 12th 2016, 4:00:28am

cursedmind writes:
I'll love you always

Posted on: Dec 6th 2016, 4:16:30am

cursedmind writes:
I'm so tired, grants. So very tired. And not in the sense that I need more sleep, because if anything, I need to be sleeping less.
But in the sense that I'm exhausted and don't know how to make myself want to keep pushing forward anymore. Show me a sign, if you can.


Posted on: Nov 2nd 2016, 5:24:21pm

bmth writes:
I love you, Grantycakes.

Posted on: Oct 29th 2016, 5:08:48am

cursedmind writes:
It's funny after all this time I still think and wonder when I'll get a random text from you

And then I realize I'll never text you again

Posted on: Oct 4th 2016, 2:53:42am

cursedmind writes:
I can't stop missing you and I'll never stop loving you.
Fuck. You made me grow up. You gave me lessons about life and love that I'll treasure forever. I mean, I never knew I could fall in love with my best friend until I met you. And man, those times were crazy. From loving each other to wanting to kill each other. From hating one another to forgiving. I could never thank you enough for loving me when I was so unloveable.. you helped me become who I am today, even if you're not here to see it.

I love you always, grants. Always and forever.

Posted on: Sep 29th 2016, 2:27:47am

bmth writes:
Anyways, it's 4:41 AM here.
I'm kind of tired. But I'm also stressed.
I've been moving so much stuff from the old house to the new house this week.
And I'm under stress with my relationship. We have been together for over 2 years now.
It's the longest relationship I have ever been in.
I'm trying to keep it together, but some times I just don't know.
And I know what you would say if you could give me advice right now.
You would tell me to leave him. You would tell me to be with you.
Maybe you would be joking, maybe you wouldn't be.
It was hard for me to determine when you were being serious.

I was planning on going to Texas. But I don't think I have the heart to.
I wish I could talk to your sister or daughter. It's been a long time since I've heard from anyone about you or Kendall.
And I still remember your last name. I've actually tried looking you up several times, as well as your family. Or anyone with your last name.
Honestly, I wouldn't be able to determine if I found someone close to you or not.
I never knew what anyone in your family looked like, except you.
And as I remember, you weren't too into social media sites.

I turned what was supposed to be a short goodnight message into a book.
But you always knew me so well. You know I love babbling to you.

Goodnight, Granters. I love you.

Posted on: Sep 22nd 2016, 8:48:18am

bmth writes:
I just spent almost two hours looking through old accounts
and finding my old friends on here....
I went all the way back to 2010.
I was originally trying to find my old, old love page. I've looked several times and I can't find it. It's where I placed the love comments from you... </3
Along the way, I found your old account, "kittydick".
I went through every page of comments, reading mine that were sent to you.
I was such a dick then. While reading them, I wanted to slap myself.
We argued. Sometimes a lot. And oh gosh, it got nasty.
Some things were funny.

I did find some comments from you on some of my old accounts. But they would all say things like, "Hey amber" or something like that.
And I found comments I had sent you saying that I missed you and I love you.

I still remember the picture you sent me years ago when we first ever started talking.
I remember you were wearing a blue shirt in the photo.
You were always so sensitive about the way you looked, but you always looked so handsome to me.

You still do and always will.

Posted on: Sep 22nd 2016, 8:41:13am

bmth writes:
So much has happened, as usual. But you would be so proud of me this time.
I completed almost a year of nursing school. I had my second job interview at a hospital yesterday. And they want to hire me!
The only problem is my clinicals for college start the same week as the hospital's orientation (which is a week long).
My instructor is trying to work around my clinicals so I can get this job on October 10th.
However, if she can't work around the orientation, the lady willing to hire me at the hospital has promised me the position in December when I go on Christmas break.
The lady who is hiring me (her name is Raven) says she is short staffed at the hospital at night. The original hours she wanted was 7 PM - 7 AM shifts, part time. But she wants me to be the third tech. at night to help out. She also wants to set my schedule up as working Monday - Friday from 7 PM - 1 AM.
I'm super excited. This is my first real job! I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere in my life. I just wish you were here to see it. I know it has taken so long...
My mom was diagnosed with Hypertropic Cardiomyopathy last October. The doctor told us it was hereditary, so my sister and I may have it. It also explains the unknown causes of so many deaths on my mom's side of the family.
I treasure my mom and I'm scared this disease may take her life at any moment. I realize that my little sister, her children, my children, and I (along with others in my family) can get this disease. I'm so worried. But that is the reason why I chose this career field.
Although it is tragic, it made me finally open my eyes to who I want to become in life. I thought I would never find myself. But I'm so much closer to who I want to be.

More great news - my family and I finally moved last Saturday night. It's a gorgeous white house with plenty of room. You could move in? I wouldn't mind sharing my room.

Oh, Grant. I really wish you could see me now. I have accomplished so much. But although I'm much happier than I was before, there's still a hole in my heart from where you used to be.

I never told you news like this before. It's new and challenging and strange.

I'd give anything just to see you.

Posted on: Sep 22nd 2016, 6:52:11am

bmth writes:
I still think about you.
Just know that you will never be forgotten.

Posted on: Sep 22nd 2016, 6:35:55am

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