Let the pagans spill theirs on the dusty ground, God shall make them pay for each sperm that can't be found!(offline)
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ She's a killer queen: Gunpowder, gelatine; dynamite with a laser beam. Guaranteed to blow your mind anytime. This is the sexiest man alive. I have an unhealthy obsession with his cat-like mouth. A few of my favorite things are: Arizona Iced Tea, Metal, drag queens, my pet crab/boyfriend Chris, good old-fashioned rock bands, incense, John Cusack, friends, huge sweaty spartans, every movie by Tim Burton and Roman Polanski, books, Stephen King, kisses, bandanas, suggestive quotes on children movies, laughter, people who aren't afraid of being themselves and food. Dear Monty Python: Thanks for making me laugh more than anyone in this whole wide world. Thanks for writing that delicious surreal humor that everyone will probably continue quoting till the end of times. NI!! Terry, Graham, John, Eric, Michael and the other Terry, I love you! P.S.: OH SHIT IT'S MR. CREOSOTE! _______________________________________________ I'm bisensual, heteroflexible and life-curious. Sexual orientation? Horizontal, most of the time. Yes, that big eyed creature would be me. My friends say I kind of look like a fish. Glug glug. *swims away* _______________________________________________
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Posted on: Sep 30th 2010, 4:47:33pm