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The trick to flying is throwing yourself on the floor and missing

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Name:   Ami Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1994-11-01Country:   Japan
Joined:   2007-03-22Location:   Ketsueki Village
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   Ami
Birthday:   1994-11-01
Joined:   2007-03-22
Location:   Ketsueki Village

Hi! I'm Ami! I'm a ninja! I live in th
ketsueki village! (translation: blood village) I'm a parents died when I was born. One of my jobs is making people laugh...its like being a ctor..really fun! ^^ Ok let me get one thing strait even though I like the colors orange and Yellow it does not mean I like Pink!!!!!!!!I'm a multy tasker...umm..I like playing instruments(like the guitar!!) ummm what else...I also like drawing...and hanging around my favorite ninja....Naruto!!!(later on I'll scan my drawings :P)

Future ruler of the planet

Color of my eyes

The coolest person I've met this year?
My best friend!!Naruto!!!

What was my most unpleasant experience until now?
doing homework

Color of my hair

I took the What is your weird Quotient test...I'm 110!!!

I took the Are you a loser quiz....I'm 87% Cool!

Funny stuffs:

What do I love lets see....Naruto!!!!

Naruto looks sooo cute!!!

Team mates: Yumi and Taku
Sensei: Lily
Favorite color: orange and yellow
Love: Naruto
Weapon: I like to use chains, guns, katanas...and whatever else my sensei lets me use.....
Family: Yumi(sister) Taku(brother) all others(dead)

Quick note: Pleaze ask if you want to barrow my drawings...

Me:(I drew this)

Me and Naruto as chibis:(another one of my drawings)

Me and Naruto again:(this one didn't comeout that good -_-)

Me and Naruto(My hair is down and not tied so thats why I look different):

Me and Naruto when we are older:

Ami 's buddies:
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User Comments

alexlion writes:
yes!!just what i need!
an anime lover!!
do u like the Hetalia anime??
i made a fan club of it on here
incase u want to join
cuz i need some memberes & stuff on there

added u by the way!!!

Posted on: Aug 4th 2011, 10:40:16am

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