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~~~~Nami's Profile~~~
![]() Name:Nami (Name-e) Cross Age:16 Birthday:June 9th Tyap:Human Crush Dateing and in love with: Zero Kiryuu ![]() Age:17 Birthday:September 29th Tyap:Half Vampire Crush Dateing and madly in love with: Nami Cross Mine and Zero's twins ![]() Name: Zeri Edward Kiryuu Age: in the photo he is 3 weeks old Birthday: December 25 (Chirstmas baby!) Likes: Sleeping,Kicking Zero,PLaying with his bunny(Awwwwwwwwww),Pulling my hair, and Kicking Hayden Hates: Jake,Kaname (that my boy),Aidou,Zero(most of the time) and Kaien ![]() Name: Hayden Ryan Kiryuu Age: in the photo he is 3 weeks old Birthday: December 25 (Christmas baby!!) Likes:Sleeping,Eating (Blood tables),His bunny (awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww),Me (his mother),Zero (his father) and T.V Hates:When Zeri kicks him,Kaname (Both of my sons hate him!),When Jake pokes him, and wakeing up __________________________________________________________________________________________ Me:nothing Kaien... i gotta go cheek up on her.. see ya Kaien:bye I walk out and back to my drom.. i wonder if she is even awake yet... i hope so... i walked into the drom and there was my beautiful Nami sitting on my bed wirghting down somethings as she gets up i walk over to her kissed her genlty... after all she is carrying my children Nami:there you are... i was starting to worry Me:*smiles* no need to worry.. now lay back down She smiles at me her beautiful and wounder smile as she lays back down in the bed Me:So what are your wirghting down?? Nami:Names... Me: Are you going to tell me? Nami:Sure..well if we have twin girls i want to name one Rosealie Me:thats a pretty name Nami:Thanks.. and if we have twin boys i want to name the oldest Zeri Edward Me:Zeri?? Nami: yeah Zeri.. do you like the name Me:Nami Zeri isn't a real name... Nami: yes it is Me: Nami Zeri is a made up name Nami: No its not!! Its a real name!! and our first son's name will be Zeri!! Me: *Sighs* Oh yeah can't wait to see how bad he'll be beaten up for haveing a made up name Nami:For the last time Zeri is not a made up name! I sigh and sat next to her on my bed Me: Nami... if you want to give our son a made up name then fine... but you don't even know what were haveing Nami:I don't.. but you do right Me: Yeah I know Nami: Are you going to tell me?? Me: Probly not Nami: Zero! tell me i want to know what i am haveing Me: But then you wouldn't be suprized Nami: I don't want to be suprized!! Me: Of corse you don't..But Nami: No buts!!! i want to know!! Me: You will know Nami:I want to know now!!!! Me: *sighs* Fine...okay there twins Nami: -_- I knew that!! but are they boys or girls or both! Me: No buts Nami: Zero! Me: Okay... there Twin boys Nami:*smiles* Really!?!?! Me: Maybe Nami:*Slaps me* Zero! Me: Ouch... yes there twin boys... Nami: Awwwwwww so nw i can name the oldest boy Zeri! Me: Yeah sure why not Nami: *Hugs me* Thank-you soooooooooo much I hugd Her and kiss the top of her forehead and smiles Me:You lucky i love you so much Nami: *smiles* Yes i am lucky.. very very lucky indead Me: Not as lucky as i am to have you and our boys Nami: *Smiles* You are to sweet Me: *Puts my arms behind my head* I know Aidou:*Nocking on the door* LET ME IN!!!! Me: *Gets up and answers the door* Hanabusa? Aidou:*Runs in* Hide me Me:*closes the door* From who? Aidou: Kaname-Sama Me: Why?? Aidou: I..I was looking through his stuff and i fount a buch of stuff about Nami and- Me:Nami!?!? Nami: About me? Aidou: Yes your family... he came in and and now hes hes after me..Please Please hide me!! Nami: What did you find out about my family? Aidou: About your roy- I cover Hanausa mouth and drag him out behind the dorm Me: What the hell!! You can't tell Nami about her family!! Aidou: Why!?!?! Me: Because Hanabusa! Aidou: Fine! Be that way! see if i care!! Me: Now what were you saying in there Aidou: I was going to say Royatl Me: How is her Family Rpyatl?? Aidou: Her mother was/is a Queen Me: And her father Aidou: I was reading that.. then Kaname came in Me: I'll have to talk to Kaien com'on lets go back in side We both walk back in side Aidou:*Lays on Nami's bed* this bed is soft! Nami:Thanks??? Me:*I lay beside Nami on my bed* go to sleep Nami:*Rolls over on her side and she falls asleep* Me:*sleeping* Aidou:*Looking at the celling* ~~~~~Next Day~~~~~ Nami wakes up and takes a shower while i sleep Aidou starts Singing?? Me:*Wakes up* Hanabusa shut up!!! Aidou: Awwwwwww why?!! Me: Because you can't sing! Aidou: Atleast i don't have a cow for a girlfirend! Ohhhhh B-urn!! How dare he say that about her!!! She freakin Preganat!!!!!! I pick up my bloody rose and point it at Aidou then Nami comes out in one of my shirts and some work-out pants she takes my hand and slows takes the gun from me Me: Nami give me back my gun! Nami: No your not going to shoot him Me: And why not!!! He was makeing fun of you Aidou: O_O Nami: Its okay Zero Me: NO ITS NOT!!! Hes not going to make fun of you!!! Nami: But Zero its true i am Fat Me: No your not Nami...your pregnant Aidou: *On his hands and knees mooing* MOOOOOOOOOOOOO! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Me:*Kicks Aidou* Shut the hell up!!! Aidou: What!?! i'm just being Nami... Holy crap you going to kill you *Gets up and runs away* Nami: *Takes my hand* Your not going after him! Me: I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nami: No your not Zero Me: Nami let my hand go! NOW!! Nami: No!!!! Your not going after him!!!!!!!
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