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I don't need SEX life FUCKS me whenever it can!

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Name:   SupernaturalloverxoerRanking:   --
Birthday:   1993-03-04Country:   United States
Joined:   2007-03-11Location:   Up You'r ass and around the corner
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   7 graphics 
Name:   Supernaturalloverxoer
Birthday:   1993-03-04
Joined:   2007-03-11
Location:   Up You'r ass and around the corner
Uploads:   7 graphics 
I'm Niki....if you don't like me deal....I have my opinions....I hate stereo types...and I'm not in the mood to have wierdos or inmature people talk to me so unless you'r going to be mature leave me alone....if I sound like a bitch...its because I am one! I'm Jensen Ackles biggest fan and you can test me I know everything.......and don't you people dare tell me he isn't gorgeous, because anyone who has the audacity to say such a thingt should be joke.
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