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Every story has an ending but every ending has a new begining.

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Name:   small_lady93Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1993-11-14Country:   United States
Joined:   2007-11-30Location:   in my house
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   small_lady93
Birthday:   1993-11-14
Joined:   2007-11-30
Location:   in my house
Im not so smart but i know when people have problems in their life so i try to help them. I'm a really nice person i really don't like when people fight i guess im nor really into that. But when anyone messes with anyone that i care about i'll fight them. I really like when people are sad and you can see it in there eyes even when they say nothing is wrong. It only means that something is wrong. I hate that when i can't do anything to help them with their pain but i'll try, i'll do anything for them to smile. I'm always smiling even when im sad, everyone knows i always smile. I like making people feel better. Im also fun, i love paying games with small children. 'm a hard worker. If i set a goal for myself i'll finish all the way to the top. I really dont like people talk back at my with their attituide problem. I also dont like people when they can't say anything to my face so they have to say it behind my back. There is more things i like to tell you about me but you hae to get to know me if you want to know more about myself.
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