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Im juzt a simple human being... :-)

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Name:   camvelzRanking:   --
Birthday:   1994-05-07Country:   Philippines
Joined:   2007-06-03Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   20 graphics 
Name:   camvelz
Birthday:   1994-05-07
Joined:   2007-06-03
Uploads:   20 graphics 
im camille velez...
in short..

i'v been existing
in this kinda
of world...
since july 5, 1994
until now...
if your gud
n math..
my age now is
13 yearz old..

i have attended
3 schoolzz...
wen i was still
nursery until
grade 3 i studied
at saint ignatius
learning center...
then wen im still...
grade 4 until grade 6
i studied at
km 5 elementary school
and now im going
to 1st year high school..
i have decided to
study at...
saint marys academy
carmen cdo...

MaH hObbiEs & InteresT
*KiP On TxtInG(hehehe)
*ReadIng magazines(Not UsuaLLy)
*SurFing The NeT
*collecting anime
*hang out with
mah fwendzz

LikEs For a PerZon
*ConServaTiVe TyPe OF a FrienD
*GiVinG me CoUraGe
*a ShouLder To LeaN On
*KnoWs How To KiP a SecRet
*findz me even i
dont find her/him
*a shoulder to lean on
*acceptz me for who i am

DisLiKes For a PerZon
*ALwaYs MaKing GossIpS
*Don’t Know HoW to KiP a SecReT
*Bad InFluenCe
*ALwaYs GettIng MaD
*only thinkz for her/his self
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