Happy Christmas Eve dear friend,
Hope you've got everything done
that you need to for the BIG
celebration tomorrow,
I still have a few last
minute preparations to finish,
then I can kick back & enjoy
the day :)
And hope that through the hustle & bustle of the season,
we remember to keep CHRIST
in CHRISTmas, for afterall if it
wasn't for our Lord & Saviour
Jesus Christ, there would be
no christmas to celebrate :)
And what a free gift he offers to all of us,
it is the gift of salvation, do you know him
in a personal way, if not & you'd like too,
just pray this prayer, dear Jesus,
I know I'm a sinner & believed
you died on the cross for me
& shed your blood for my sins,
come into my heart & save me
I pray, in Jesus name, Amen :)
It's the best gift you could ever
recieve this christmas,
if you said that prayer & meant it,
then you are part of the family of God :)
And if your already saved,
then praise the Lord my
fellow servant in Christ :)
I pray you seek him by reading his word,
the holy bible (King James Version), if you don't already,
so that you may have a closer walk with him,
as I strive everyday to know him better :)
Merry Christmas :)
P.S. That comment was not planned,
once I started, it just flowed out
from there, that's God working
in & through me, Praise be to his name,
for he alone is worthy :)
"Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do for others is good you do yourself."
~ Norman Wesley Brooks, "Let Every Day Be Christmas"
May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope;
The spirit of Christmas which is peace;
The heart of Christmas which is love.
Blessings, Rita
Wanted to show my appreciation
for your friendship & all of the graphics
you've made for me along the way,
so I made a gift for you,
hope you like it :)
Good Thursday morning for you there!
I want to send you a snowy
and share with you the true meaning of this Holiday Season...
Also, I did some Christmas shopping after work.
I wrapped some for you...but you are not allowed
to open them until Christmas Eve...
Just a little question my friend,
"Is Santa Claus for real?"
Well, the boxes would be empty if you don't
I made a Christmas wish for you,
For a holiday full of pleasure,
Friends and family all around,
And memories to treasure.
I wish for you a Christmas filled
With joyous holiday cheer;
I wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a very Happy New Year!
~Joanna Fuchs
Posted on: Dec 26th 2010, 4:29:02am
Posted on: Dec 25th 2010, 6:55:43am
Posted on: Dec 25th 2010, 12:54:31am
Posted on: Dec 24th 2010, 11:49:35am
Happy Christmas Eve dear friend,
Hope you've got everything done
that you need to for the BIG
celebration tomorrow,
I still have a few last
minute preparations to finish,
then I can kick back & enjoy
the day :)
And hope that through the hustle & bustle of the season,
we remember to keep CHRIST
in CHRISTmas, for afterall if it
wasn't for our Lord & Saviour
Jesus Christ, there would be
no christmas to celebrate :)
And what a free gift he offers to all of us,
it is the gift of salvation, do you know him
in a personal way, if not & you'd like too,
just pray this prayer, dear Jesus,
I know I'm a sinner & believed
you died on the cross for me
& shed your blood for my sins,
come into my heart & save me
I pray, in Jesus name, Amen :)
It's the best gift you could ever
recieve this christmas,
if you said that prayer & meant it,
then you are part of the family of God :)
And if your already saved,
then praise the Lord my
fellow servant in Christ :)
I pray you seek him by reading his word,
the holy bible (King James Version), if you don't already,
so that you may have a closer walk with him,
as I strive everyday to know him better :)
Merry Christmas :)
P.S. That comment was not planned,
once I started, it just flowed out
from there, that's God working
in & through me, Praise be to his name,
for he alone is worthy :)
Posted on: Dec 24th 2010, 6:17:36am
Posted on: Dec 23rd 2010, 7:03:59pm
"Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do for others is good you do yourself."
~ Norman Wesley Brooks, "Let Every Day Be Christmas"
May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope;
The spirit of Christmas which is peace;
The heart of Christmas which is love.
Blessings, Rita
Posted on: Dec 23rd 2010, 3:54:36pm
Happy Tuesday & 1st day of winter,
can hardly believe how fast this year
has flown by...
I'm going to try & finish up my wrapping today,
alot with my tuesday chores of laundry, etc.
Hope you have a very productive day too :)
Posted on: Dec 21st 2010, 5:54:38am
Posted on: Dec 19th 2010, 12:11:16am
Hello Sweet Friend!
I love weekends because I get to
spend much time with my husband and children...ONLINE!
I don't know what your plans are
but whatever it is, I wish you to
Enjoy it like Christmas...
Although I'm miles away from my family
this Holiday Season but we get many ways
to fill the distance...
Posted on: Dec 17th 2010, 9:15:27pm
Wanted to show my appreciation
for your friendship & all of the graphics
you've made for me along the way,
so I made a gift for you,
hope you like it :)
Made it clicky :)
Posted on: Dec 17th 2010, 1:04:42am
Posted on: Dec 16th 2010, 9:38:18am
Good Thursday morning for you there!
I want to send you a snowy
and share with you the true meaning of this Holiday Season...
Also, I did some Christmas shopping after work.
I wrapped some for you...but you are not allowed
to open them until Christmas Eve...
Just a little question my friend,
"Is Santa Claus for real?"
Well, the boxes would be empty if you don't
Posted on: Dec 16th 2010, 6:50:52am
Hello there!
How are you today?
Done your Christmas shopping yet?
Don't forget something for me...LOL!
Hope you are having a great day like me.
Keep warm and
Just passing by
Posted on: Dec 15th 2010, 4:55:58pm
Hope it's wonderful :)
Posted on: Dec 15th 2010, 5:34:41am