Cicero the Roman thinker quoted .." Friendship improves happiness and
abates misery, by doubling our joy and the dividing of our grief. He
really understood the double benefit of friendship along life's journey
friends are important. Friends serve as confidants , counselors,
and burden sharers. Think about your friends. Have you been neglecting
those God has provided to share your joys and sorrows? Seek out
your friends and have a fellowship with them. After all .. "Friends
are flowers in the garden of life". They somehow add a little joy
to the day! Just to let you know that I value our friendship and
would like to wish you this ...
I pray your day is special
Your evening full of peace
May happiness envelop you
And all your worries cease.
There's nothing more rewarding
Than a friend so kind and true
That's why I take this time to send
A Special "Hello" to you.
Thank you my friend for all you send
that penetrates my heart in many ways.
I am richly blessed by all you do
with loving kindness every day
Love is the most powerful experiences that can be enjoyed
by anyone - young or old, big or small, rich or poor.
It is what can bring us the greatest fulfillment, sense of
success, joy, and pure happiness.
This Valentine's Day is definitely a good time to show our
appreciation to those close to us, as well as those we
associate with, who would appreciate our acknowledgment
of them as people who simply matter to us. I am sure
your lovely thoughtful words will touch them in a special way.
Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a
difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they
bless you, the giver. So go ahead and send a "Valentine"
greeting to all your friends and loved ones too.
My heartfelf wishes to all of you is just this few words ...
"May this Valentin's Day be filled with love, understanding,
and contentment as you journey through life with those
you hold dear. I wish you love, happiness and joy!"
Friendship is a wondrous thing.
There is so much happiness it can bring.
I am really glad that you are my friend,
And I hope our friendship will never end.
Before the sun sets in this year,
before the memories fade,
before the net works get jammed
Wish you and your family a
Happy Sparkling New Year!
A Relaxed mind, a Peaceful Soul,
A Joyful Spirit, a Healthy Body &
Heart full of Love ...
All these are my Prayers for you ..
Wish you a Happy New Year!
Throughout the coming year
May your life be filled with little
celebration of Happiness ....
Wishing you a Bright, Happy
and Prosperous New Year.
God Bless ...
As the new year takes the flying start,
may it bring peace of heaven
to your house and fill your heart
with grace and glory.
Wishing you 365 days of non-stop
laughter and good cheers !
May the sweet magic of Christmas conspire
to gladden your hearts and fill every desire.
May the good times and treasures of the present
Become the golden memories of tomorrow.
... From east to west and the north to the south,
all around the world, I wish you a very
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ...
full of God's richest blessings!
May His joy fill your hearts always!
"When we choose not to focus on what's
missing from our lives but are grateful for
the abundance that's present... we
experience heaven on earth."
There is no ideal Christmas;
only the one Christmas
you decide to make as a reflection of
your values, desires, affections, traditions.
Bless us Lord, this Christmas with quietness of mind;
Teach us to be patient and always to be kind .
It is now mid-December and we are all aware
that Christmas is near. We all look forward to
this time of the year in our own special way
and we always look forward to lovely things
and instances that would add joy to our
happy memories.
I am not asking for rich, expensive gifts,
either for family or friends. I only ask
that each one of you have joyful gatherings
with family and friends all around you.
May the carols you sing inspire you with
their old familar sounds. May you each
experience quiet moments in your heart
at Christmas as you celebrate this
joyful time. I pray for friends to send their
best that you might know they care. I
also ask for peace and love and hope
and joy for you and that God hears your
prayer ... always.
May the gift of God's love touch you and
your family this holiday season.
Merry Christ!
Posted on: Feb 14th 2020, 8:05:29pm
Posted on: Jan 4th 2020, 5:33:22am
Posted on: Dec 24th 2019, 11:08:01pm
Posted on: Sep 13th 2014, 4:58:51am
Posted on: Dec 20th 2012, 9:54:24pm
Posted on: Jul 10th 2012, 8:37:44pm
Cicero the Roman thinker quoted .." Friendship improves happiness and
abates misery, by doubling our joy and the dividing of our grief. He
really understood the double benefit of friendship along life's journey
friends are important. Friends serve as confidants , counselors,
and burden sharers. Think about your friends. Have you been neglecting
those God has provided to share your joys and sorrows? Seek out
your friends and have a fellowship with them. After all .. "Friends
are flowers in the garden of life". They somehow add a little joy
to the day! Just to let you know that I value our friendship and
would like to wish you this ...
I pray your day is special
Your evening full of peace
May happiness envelop you
And all your worries cease.
There's nothing more rewarding
Than a friend so kind and true
That's why I take this time to send
A Special "Hello" to you.
Thank you my friend for all you send
that penetrates my heart in many ways.
I am richly blessed by all you do
with loving kindness every day
Jaya Francis
(e-Mail :
Posted on: Mar 4th 2012, 9:32:28pm
Love is the most powerful experiences that can be enjoyed
by anyone - young or old, big or small, rich or poor.
It is what can bring us the greatest fulfillment, sense of
success, joy, and pure happiness.
This Valentine's Day is definitely a good time to show our
appreciation to those close to us, as well as those we
associate with, who would appreciate our acknowledgment
of them as people who simply matter to us. I am sure
your lovely thoughtful words will touch them in a special way.
Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a
difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they
bless you, the giver. So go ahead and send a "Valentine"
greeting to all your friends and loved ones too.
My heartfelf wishes to all of you is just this few words ...
"May this Valentin's Day be filled with love, understanding,
and contentment as you journey through life with those
you hold dear. I wish you love, happiness and joy!"
Friendship is a wondrous thing.
There is so much happiness it can bring.
I am really glad that you are my friend,
And I hope our friendship will never end.
Happy Valentines Day My Friend!!
Jaya Francis
(e-mail :
Posted on: Feb 12th 2012, 8:59:09pm
Posted on: Jan 18th 2012, 6:17:38am
Before the sun sets in this year,
before the memories fade,
before the net works get jammed
Wish you and your family a
Happy Sparkling New Year!
A Relaxed mind, a Peaceful Soul,
A Joyful Spirit, a Healthy Body &
Heart full of Love ...
All these are my Prayers for you ..
Wish you a Happy New Year!
Throughout the coming year
May your life be filled with little
celebration of Happiness ....
Wishing you a Bright, Happy
and Prosperous New Year.
God Bless ...
As the new year takes the flying start,
may it bring peace of heaven
to your house and fill your heart
with grace and glory.
Wishing you 365 days of non-stop
laughter and good cheers !
God Bless you Throught
the NEW YEAR !
Jaya Francis
(e-mail :-
Posted on: Dec 31st 2011, 5:32:49am
May the sweet magic of Christmas conspire
to gladden your hearts and fill every desire.
May the good times and treasures of the present
Become the golden memories of tomorrow.
... From east to west and the north to the south,
all around the world, I wish you a very
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ...
full of God's richest blessings!
May His joy fill your hearts always!
"When we choose not to focus on what's
missing from our lives but are grateful for
the abundance that's present... we
experience heaven on earth."
There is no ideal Christmas;
only the one Christmas
you decide to make as a reflection of
your values, desires, affections, traditions.
Bless us Lord, this Christmas with quietness of mind;
Teach us to be patient and always to be kind .
Jaya Francis
Posted on: Dec 25th 2011, 7:35:39am
Posted on: Dec 24th 2011, 2:41:52pm
Posted on: Dec 24th 2011, 2:41:47pm
Posted on: Dec 21st 2011, 4:27:41pm
It is now mid-December and we are all aware
that Christmas is near. We all look forward to
this time of the year in our own special way
and we always look forward to lovely things
and instances that would add joy to our
happy memories.
I am not asking for rich, expensive gifts,
either for family or friends. I only ask
that each one of you have joyful gatherings
with family and friends all around you.
May the carols you sing inspire you with
their old familar sounds. May you each
experience quiet moments in your heart
at Christmas as you celebrate this
joyful time. I pray for friends to send their
best that you might know they care. I
also ask for peace and love and hope
and joy for you and that God hears your
prayer ... always.
May the gift of God's love touch you and
your family this holiday season.
Merry Christ!
Jaya Francis
(e-mail :-
Posted on: Dec 13th 2011, 9:48:15pm