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Name:   princess1001Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1999-03-23Country:   
Joined:   2010-01-03Location:   Cyprus
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   39 graphics 
Name:   princess1001
Birthday:   1999-03-23
Joined:   2010-01-03
Location:   Cyprus
Uploads:   39 graphics 

to dolls club

This doll is made from hotgall333
and her name is pretty doll.
She is 10 years old and she has got blond hair!

This doll is made from lilmizzgangsturella
and her name is doll in pink.
She`s got expensive things and
clothes because she`s a princess!!!
Her age is 15 years old.

This doll is made from igrayne74
and her name is princess pars pink.
She`s got a lovely smile and a beutyfull
,long,pink dress for the prince dances
and she`s 18 years old.

This doll made from blackhorses98
and her name is lovely cuty because
she`s very cute and she has got a lovely smile.
She is very sweet and she`s 14 years old!

click here to join to my dolls club no1

This doll is made by Sunshine_cutiepie
and her name is Punky Love Doll because
she is very punky and she is very friendly.
She is very sweet and she is 16 years old=)

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