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Eiichi Kamenosuke
Eiichi Kamenosuke
My Name...?Eiichi.
My Purpose...?Unknown.
My victims...?Everyone.
My Family...?Dead.
My Dreams...?Unbelieveable.
My love...?Murder.
My Past...?Affians Asylum.
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Hikari: She had us because she could't have gotten rid of us...She does care shes just not a motherly person
Ikei: *runs into bathroom uses it then finds some placebos in the medicine cabinet* this should work...*exits the bathroom* here it is...*hands him the pills*
Ikei: Um eiichi the bathrooms locked and uh um...
Hikari: Mom are we going to actualy go to school
Samira: no you two are smart enough
Hikari: Im not so sure about Azusa
Ikei: *turns red* uh um....
Hikari: You can do Fire?! I can....Ive been tryimg though.
Samira: Here *sits food down and sits oppisite of Zeri*
Seishi: needed....someone like you? She must be mad!
Ikei: No I'm quite sane...He helped me really.
Ikei: I'm 23...*looks up* and You?
Hikari: Can you do magic like mom?
Samira: *approaches the table with the food*
Seishi: Friends?....Eiichi you've really lost it.
Ikei: He saved me from that dreaded marrige of course we're friends.
Ikei: *looks down* not a one...not even that...that jasper...
Samira: *looks at zeri and the kids* oh boy...
hikari: *pokes zeri*
Ikei: *smiles at him* it was good. Thank you for asking. How are you?
Seishi: What in the- You kidnap her and she asks how you are????
Ikei: *sits on the bed as well*
Samira: Find a seat you two. *orders the food*
Seishi: *gives eiichi a weird look*
Ikei:Um Hi i'm Ikei...
Seishi: I'm seishi. So Eiichi here kidnapped you? Well atleast your pretty.
Ikei: Thank you...It's nice to meet you. Um yeah I guess it would be considered kidnapping *laughs*
Seishi: *turns to eiichi* your right she is happy.
Ikei: Oh um....*blushes* ok
*enters a mcdonalds*
Hikari: I want chicken nuggets!
Samira: What do you want zuzu?
Seishi:*Knocks* anyone home???
Ikei: *sleeping*
Seishi: *opens the door* Come on wake up sleepin beauty *pokes her*
Ikei: *stirs some*
Seishi: *gets irritated* WAKE UP!
Ikei: *jumps up* AH!!!
Seishi: Thats better.
Hikari: I thank her for that. Why go threw the pains of childhood?
Posted on: Feb 27th 2011, 12:48:14am
Ikei: *runs into bathroom uses it then finds some placebos in the medicine cabinet* this should work...*exits the bathroom* here it is...*hands him the pills*
Posted on: Feb 27th 2011, 12:24:27am
Ikei: *walks up to him: Trust me please?
Posted on: Feb 26th 2011, 10:49:12pm
Hikari: aw come on sis dont do that.
Posted on: Feb 26th 2011, 9:22:02pm
Hikari: *follows Azusa*
Ikei: Deal...but I have to go get it alone.
Posted on: Feb 26th 2011, 9:08:13pm
Posted on: Feb 26th 2011, 8:43:49pm
Samira: what? you two are supposed to fight.
Posted on: Feb 26th 2011, 8:32:38pm
Samira: hmm oh well*walks into the kitchen*
Ikei: Well i kinda have to um...its a girl thing?
Posted on: Feb 26th 2011, 8:19:01pm
Hikari: Mom are we going to actualy go to school
Samira: no you two are smart enough
Hikari: Im not so sure about Azusa
Posted on: Feb 26th 2011, 7:59:33pm
Hikari: You can do Fire?! I can....Ive been tryimg though.
Samira: Here *sits food down and sits oppisite of Zeri*
Seishi: needed....someone like you? She must be mad!
Ikei: No I'm quite sane...He helped me really.
Posted on: Jan 29th 2011, 1:44:58pm
Hikari: Can you do magic like mom?
Samira: *approaches the table with the food*
Seishi: Friends?....Eiichi you've really lost it.
Ikei: He saved me from that dreaded marrige of course we're friends.
Posted on: Jan 29th 2011, 1:12:41pm
Samira: *looks at zeri and the kids* oh boy...
hikari: *pokes zeri*
Ikei: *smiles at him* it was good. Thank you for asking. How are you?
Seishi: What in the- You kidnap her and she asks how you are????
Posted on: Jan 29th 2011, 11:58:19am
Samira: Find a seat you two. *orders the food*
Seishi: *gives eiichi a weird look*
Ikei:Um Hi i'm Ikei...
Seishi: I'm seishi. So Eiichi here kidnapped you? Well atleast your pretty.
Ikei: Thank you...It's nice to meet you. Um yeah I guess it would be considered kidnapping *laughs*
Seishi: *turns to eiichi* your right she is happy.
Posted on: Jan 29th 2011, 11:43:30am
*enters a mcdonalds*
Hikari: I want chicken nuggets!
Samira: What do you want zuzu?
Seishi:*Knocks* anyone home???
Ikei: *sleeping*
Seishi: *opens the door* Come on wake up sleepin beauty *pokes her*
Ikei: *stirs some*
Seishi: *gets irritated* WAKE UP!
Ikei: *jumps up* AH!!!
Seishi: Thats better.
Posted on: Jan 29th 2011, 11:22:26am
Samira: Come on then...
Hikari: *follows samira*
Seishi: come on then *walks towards his room*
Posted on: Jan 29th 2011, 11:12:03am