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Gossip Girl and Twilight are the ultimate ways of life XD

Name:   NattiieeeRanking:   --
Birthday:   1995-07-07Country:   Australia
Joined:   2009-03-15Location:   .....somewhere....
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   44 graphics 
Name:   Nattiieee
Birthday:   1995-07-07
Joined:   2009-03-15
Location:   .....somewhere....
Uploads:   44 graphics 

Welcome all to my magnificent page, well its not that magnificent (its quite plain just kidding)XD

I will take any requests for what you would like me to upload.

The name is Nattiee

The jonas brothers (who are <3)Of course the JoBros have to have the biggest pic they are most important XD

Gossip girl (the most awesomest show ever)

My cute little random food piccies
Katy Perry

Taylor Lautner soooo hot *drools*

Robert Pattison

Twilight (in general)

The Hills

My Super Sweet 16

Sims 2

Selena Gomez
Demi Lovato
Miley Cyrus
Jonas Brother haters
Twilight haters
Taylor Lautner haters

If you want to join the Gossip Girl, Jonas Brothers and Twilight lovers club, message me and i will add you to it :)

I will take any requests. I am trying to be humming_along's partner for her website so wish me luck.

Look at my piccies (i know you'll luv em) and just enjoy my page!

Also, dont forget to leave comments (i want to know what you people think of my page)

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