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Posted on: Apr 2nd 2011, 12:31:26pm
Thinking of you on St. Patrick's Day
and hoping that all the Happiness
you have given unto others, returns to
Bless you a Thousand fold.
May love and laughter light your days
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures
May all life's passing season
bring the best to you and yours
May God be with you and shower
you with abundant blessings
Best wishes to you on
St. Patrick's Day and always..
Jaya Francis
Posted on: Mar 17th 2011, 11:13:27am
I have not been here as often as I would like to
as I have been quite busy with some activities and
have also been down with a bad, bad flu and cough.
It has definitely been very difficult these past weeks.
Things are looking better and so I am here today.
You are wonderful, important, beautiful
the greatest and "You Are Valuable"
The capacity to bless life is in everybody. The power of
our blessing is not diminished by illness or age. On
the contrary, our blessings become even more powerful
as we grow older.
When we truly care for someone ...
you do not look for faults,
you do not look for answers,
you do not look for mistakes,
instead you fight the mistakes,
you accept the faults, and
you over look the excuses!
Have a blessed Day!
We will one day remember not, the words of many,
but we will remember the blessed kindness of a friend.
Jaya Francis
Posted on: Mar 13th 2011, 9:39:54pm
bright and shining day, for today can be whatever
you make of it, There is nothing to stop you from
making it the best. We must feel grateful for our
very existence. All that we have and all the love
we have received. This gratefulness will bring a
flood of prosperity, joy and happiness.
The doors we open and close each day decide
the lives we live. No matter where you are in life,
no matter what your situation, you can always
do something. On every turn of life, you will
always have a choice and that choice can be
your power.
You can win life by all means, if you avoid just
two things in Life ..."Comparing with others" and
"Expecting from Others" Life in each moment is
influenced by your presence and participation.
As each new day unfolds, continue to make that
influence a positive and fulfilling one.
Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry.
Live simply, expect little, give much. Fill your life with
love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others.
Do unto others as you would be done to you.
Greet each day with ... Your EYES open to beauty,
Your MIND open to change, and Your HEART open
to LOVE Have a wonderful day and God's Blessings
be upon you.
“Reputation is what people think about you.
Character is what people know you are.”
Jaya Francis
Posted on: Feb 1st 2011, 5:23:39am
Posted on: Jan 13th 2011, 1:19:04pm
As the old year fades away, a new one dawns
... bringing you adventure, happiness, health,
peace and prosperity. We are now coming
into a brand new year and I want to stop in with
some New Year cheer. I pray that this New Year
will bring you many blessings to you .. filled with
peace and love and happiness too.
Here is some nice
words from a friend of mine....
May God make your year a happy one!
Not by shielding you from all sorrows and pain,
But by strengthening you to bear it, as it comes:
Not by making your path easy,
But by making you sturdy to travel any path;
Not by taking hardships from you,
But be taking fear from your heart;
Not by granting you unbroken shunshine,
But by keeping your face bright,
Even in the shadows;
Not by making your life always pleasant,
But by showing you when people
and their causes need you most,
and by making you anxious to be there to help.
God's Love, Peace, Hope and Joy
To you for the year ahead.
and from me ...
Wishing you a bright New Year
because you are special. A year
where your troubles are all behind you:
Where many good things come your way ...
And most all, a year that brings you comfort,
a renewed spirit and lasting happiness.
Happy New Year!
Happiness Always!
God Bless You Always!
Jaya Francis
(e-mail :-
Posted on: Jan 10th 2011, 12:15:48am
Hugs Annie.
Posted on: Dec 30th 2010, 2:44:45pm
A cheerful hello and a smile when I think of you. It just
would not be Christmas if I did not send my greeting filled
with love and sealed with care. You mean so much to me.
We may be miles apart but never far from the heart.
Just a note to say, I have enjoyed all your visits and comments
and not forgetting the many e-mails ... that has also been a joy too.
SO .. " Merry Christmas, and May God Bless you with Love, Peace,
Serenity, happiness and joy throughout the New Year and always. "
We may be miles apart but never far from the heart.
I am saying a little prayer that your holidays holds one special
blessings after another. May God Bless your house and all who
enter it, this Christmas and always. When it comes to counting
belessings, there are surely very few as precious and as meaningful
as someone dear as you. "God Bless YOU" for your thoughtfulness
and keep you in His care.
May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace, the gladness of Christmas
bring you hope, and the warmth of christmas grant you love. May the
peace of Christmas fill your hearts, inspiring many living deeds.
May it take your cares and fears away and give the courage each one needs
I hope this chirstmas enriches your life and may each day
be happy and bright, overflowing with pleasure and love.
May your Christmas be filled wih delight.... and finally
Give thanks for all you have been blessed with and hold
your loved ones tight for you know the Lord's been good
to you. May love, Joy, Peace and goodwill be your gift at Christmas
and may God shower you with blessings in bushels, abudant
Jaya Francis
(e-mail :
Posted on: Dec 24th 2010, 12:34:50pm
Posted on: Dec 23rd 2010, 5:20:03pm
The days ae lapsing by very fast and with Christmas
round the corner the you know the year is almost over.
How time flies and with lots of resolutions made earlier
in the year ... yet to be achieved or long forgotten. Soon
it is time to make new ones and we hope to do better
in the year ahead. So ...
Let us give a smile to everyone, no matter ... where we go
Just to brighten another's day ...Let us share a sweet "Hello"
Let us all say kind things. It is the least we can do. Let
us all hold the kindest of inner thoughts for everyone -
both young and old
If we share a smile, than our love shows:
If we share a hug, than our love grows.
If we share with someone on whom we depend,
that person becomes family or friend.
And what draws us closer and makes us all care,
It is not what we have, but the things we share.
To those we love and see each day
And the other loved ones far away
To all good friends who mean so much
And those with whom we are out of touch
To folks who are so good and kind
It is so easy to keep them in mind
To people we keep close at heart
Even when we are apart
My wish for each and every one of you is Good Health,
mixed together with Peace of mind ... topped off with
Happiness, surrounded with love .. May God Bless and
watch over you - not just over the festive season but
throughout the coming year. May you also look forward
to the challenges of the New Year with enthusiasm
Wishing you a wonderful season filled with heavenly
Peace and warmth of His presence in your heart
and home as you celebrate this holiday season.
May God Bless your Christmas and New Year!
Merry Christmas to you dear friend!
Jaya Francis
(e-mail :-
Posted on: Dec 16th 2010, 9:34:38pm
I am searching for the right words to describe just how I feel today.
Let me just put it this way ... you are more than a friend to me.
Let me just say a "SPECIAL THANK YOU" for all the nice and
wonderful greetings from all of you. It brings special joy to the day.
Special thanks also to all the artist who have blessed us with such
beautiful artwork for us to enjoy and I know and look forward to more
beautiful handiwork in the seasons to come. A friend sent me some
beautiful meaningful words and I just felt that I should share it with you
too. I have added here as the last two paragraphs. I believe it is more to
remind us ... that Christmas is nearing and to have a right attitude.
After all, ... Christmas is a time for sharing and giving.
I know and express joy, unlimited and full of gratitude.
In our humanness, there are physical activities, events, and
ACCOMPLISHMENTS that bring us joy. From our subtle giggles
and chuckles with friends, to our cheering shouts in a crowd, we
unite in expressions of happiness. We exchange the jubilance
of the human spirit with abilities to inspire one another, to thrive
individually, and to expand joyfully amidst a multitude of life's happenings.
The joy of the Spirit is the greatest joy, because it is pure, deep, and
powerful. In any moment - whether still or exuberant, happy or
Serious - we can experience the joy of Spirit. Allowing ourselves to
Acknowledge that God's spirit is within us, enfolding us, we know and
Express joy, unlimited and full of gratitude.
Life's true fortune arises from what you have the opportunity to become,
to create, to give and to experience. Celebrate life's limitless abundance
by making a positive, meaningful difference in your world, Feast upon
life's delicious richness by allowing genuine, unrestrained joy with
thankfullness to flow out from you.
Celebrate life's abundance by doing something new and unique and
beautiful and loving with it all. Reach within, feel the miraculous reality
of who you truly are, and delight in giving the best of yourself to life.
Shine the bright light of joy and thankfulness on all that is around you.
Feel how good it feels when your joy spreads to other, Live the
abundance of bringing your positive, meaningful purpose to life
bringing your positive, meaningful purpose to life in each moment.
Remember - people are always good company when they are doing
what they really enjoy. “God bless you for your thoughtfulness
And keep you in His care.” Have a beautiful day my friend!
Jaya Francis
(e-mail :-
Posted on: Dec 4th 2010, 4:24:53am
The things that matter most in our lives are not the things we have acquired along
the way - but rather the treasure chest of moments, memories and experiences
shared with people we love. Friendship ties are lasting bonds woven in each heart ...
that keeps friends close in though, together or apart. Though life keeps getting
busier, there is never a time when you are not thought of and cred about - because
you mean so much. Just for you, I hope this special time of the year find you happy,
and healthy and looking forward to all the wonderful things of the Season. I just want
to say ... "Thank You " warmly, wonderfully and very gratefully ... for being the special
kind of person ... who makes my heart happy in ways tht there will never be enough
words for it.
I also hope that this Thanksgiving Day" fills your heart in a special way
and bring you much hope, peace, love and happiness. May you also have wonderful
moments and special memories this year. In all things ... let us not forget
to raise our eyes to the heaven and count our blessings. Let us thank the Almighty
for all that He has given us. HAPPY THANKSGIVING"
May the blessings of this Thanksgiving fill your heart and home with happiness.
Give thanks also for the gift of words and as long as there is air to breathe and light
to see, and lessons to learn to share the blessings on this day and
always. God bless you and your family at Thanksgiving and always!
Jaya Francis
Posted on: Nov 23rd 2010, 9:13:23pm
Posted on: Nov 22nd 2010, 11:14:31am
Today is unique. It has never occurred before and it
will never be repeated. At midnight it will end, quietly,
suddenly, totally, forever. But the hours between now
and then are opportunities with eternal possibilities.
There will be good days and there will be bad days and
lately, I have experienced them both. Sometimes I feel
and wish I could turn the time and be be like I was
before but I know I must not call it quits but press on
and trust God that tomorrow will be a better day.
The secret of happiness is to be free of fear. Fear is
the like a toxin that runs through much of our thinking
It feeds on insecurity , feeling of loss, loneliness,
inadequacy and attachment. You are lovable and loving.
Accept this as Truth. Appreciate and care for yourself -
truly, deeply, intensely, in a way that reflects your real
value. Then you will automatically have the same regards
for all other living beings and things - I try to look at the
positive and keep this mind and I trust this helps in
some ways.... it definitely helps to lift my spirits up too.
I will have to face challenges with courage and definitely
some determination. I will try to overcome barriers that
may hinder my quest for a better day tomorrow and I know
it is not going to be easy. I will take one day at a time.
I believe there is hope for a brighter and better future.
I count my blessings that I have friends like you
Giving so much of yourself each time you visit
with your kind thoughts and comments. Oh!
how I look forward to your vists ... as they
surely brighten my days. This is something I love.
It is my dream this very moment for your days to
be most blessed and beautiful. May your days
be so special overflowing with God's love and care.
Have a nice time preparing for a nice .....
"Thanksgiving Day" later. Take care!
Jaya Francis
Posted on: Nov 18th 2010, 7:01:17am
Hello my sweet friend
Posted on: Nov 7th 2010, 1:05:58am