I am 100% me.(offline)
Birthdate: July-23-1993
Current Location: MN. Nationality: Caucasian. Status: Single. Eye Color: Greenish Blueish. Hair Color: Dark drown with red and blonde highlights. Favorite Color: Blue and Purple and red and black and green. Favorite Food: Pizza. Favorite Drink: I dont have one. Drank: Nope are you nuts. o.O Smoked: Nope never will! Shoplifted: Nope. Short or Long Hair: It depends on whos hair it is. Looks or Personality: Personality 100% Love or Money: Love. Do You Wear Contacts: Nope but do glasses count? Favorite Holiday: IDK. Favorite Month: Oct. Hugs or Kisses: Hugs please! Chocolate or Vanilla: Both. Right-handed or Left-handed: Right hand. LOVES: My besties and my kitty Mimi!
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