Those who seek a life will lose it, and those who lose their life for me will find favorite Bible quote!(online status not displayed)
The name's Marybeth. I'll be 13 on July 12th, and I'm going to the 8th grade this year. I'm currently single, and barely starting to look. But I MUST know you in person. NO CYBER CRAP. My zodiac sign is Cancer. I live in Knoxville, Tennessee. God is the center of my life. I'm an advanced learner, in a couple classes I'm 2 grades ahead. I love all the people who have made me wonderful graphics on this site. God Family Friends Music Shopping School Soccer And probably more. SPIDERS!!!!!! Mean, stuck up, bratty people in general Wars Homework Snakes Diseases... Robbers and killers! Probably more. mishara's fairytale jessidel bejuledjewels arcticfox8 desire_one ~mayra~janeth willsmom310 enchantedrose40 palm tress fly grove022405 daph047 pimpinashley69 And many, many more. 56henry Rihanna The Jonas Bros. Maroon 5 Jesse McCartney Michael Buble Josh Groban Hayden Panettiere Shia Lebeauf Jeremy Camp Sanctus Real Teddy Geiger Nickelback Linkin Park T Pain Beyonce Fall Out Boy The All American Rejects SOOOOO MANY MORE!
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