Out of my mind... Plz leave a message...(offline)
I'm 17 (n_n) I'll hope if u check out my uploads and vote!!! plz leave any comments if u want to talk to me... sometimes I'm so happy and sometimes I don't feel well... but however I will try to be pretty optimistic... I like music as much as I like chocolate!!! I'm social but not too much I'm a little bit shy because I feel strange being here but however I want friends who I wish to enjoy and spend time with... I also hope that they will enjoy talking to me... =3 (u.u) I use to be: -happy -dreamfull -silly -crazy -impulsive (^.^) I love: -Jesus Christ!!!! (*.*) I like: -Music -Anime -Friends -Fun -Drawing -Playing -Nature -PC -MSN -Candiess!!! -and more thn candies... hOt guYs... xP -yaOi... (belive it or nOt... it's wow!!) (>.<) I hate: -Reggaeton -Pollution -PPl that kills Animals -PPL that cuts trees (+_+) I'm: -clueless -dreamfull -feelingfull -hopefull -faithfull (~.~) I should want to meet ppl that could share iDeaS... about... -Music -Hobbies -Ideology -Tv sHows -Mythical creatures *-* and so much more... =3 (o.O) d(-.-)b Music I listen: -SaOsin -UnderOatH -FrOm fiRst tO laSt -LinKin paRk -MadbaLl -gRegOry aNd tHe haWk -SuM 41 -bLinK 182 -IncUbUs -AnbeRlin -AtReyU -ChIodOs -BleeD tHe dReam -bReaKing BenJamIn -3 DayS gRacE -A cUthRoat kIsS -dAft PunK -EmeRy -FeaR faCtoRy -dRop DeaD gOrgEouS -EscaPe tHe FaTe -GuN's aNd RoSes -A thoRn fOr eVeRy hEarT -HaLifaX -30 secOndS tO maRs -JuSt sUrRendeR -tHe KilleRs -KT tUnsTall -LimP bIzKit -MoTiOn cIty sOunDtRacK -OasIs -SiLveRstaIn -ScaRy kIdS ScaRinG KidS -paRamOre -My cHemiCal RomaNce -The UseD -TaKagi MasaKatSu -AerOsmIth -ThiS pRovIdeNce -bLuR -BuLleT fOr mY ValLentIne -FlyleAf -NuJabEs -AveGed SeVenfOld -ExtReme -LiMp bIzkiT -LinKin PaRk -NiGhtWisH -SilveRstaIn -CuTe Is WhAt We AiM fOr -DaShbOaRd cOnFeSsiOnaLs -GoO gOo DoLls -LiZ PhAiR -TrIvIuM -IrOn MaiDen -DoPe -DeViL WeaRs PraDa And sOo MuCh mOre...!! d(u.u)b
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wanna be friends?:)
i added you:P
Posted on: Oct 29th 2010, 6:22:59am