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Out of my mind... Plz leave a message...

Name:   SeVen YeaRs♪Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1990-06-27Country:   
Joined:   2007-11-21Location:   SomeWheRe OvEr The RainbOw...
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   117 graphics 
Name:   SeVen YeaRs♪
Birthday:   1990-06-27
Joined:   2007-11-21
Location:   SomeWheRe OvEr The RainbOw...
Uploads:   117 graphics 

I'm 17

I'll hope if u check out my uploads and vote!!! plz leave any comments if u want to talk to me...

sometimes I'm so happy and sometimes I don't feel well... but however I will try to be pretty optimistic...

I like music as much as I like chocolate!!!

I'm social but not too much I'm a little bit shy because I feel strange being here but however I want friends who I wish to enjoy and spend time with... I also hope that they will enjoy talking to me... =3

I use to be:

I love:
-Jesus Christ!!!!

I like:
-and more thn candies... hOt guYs... xP
-yaOi... (belive it or nOt... it's wow!!)

I hate:
-PPl that kills Animals
-PPL that cuts trees


I should want to meet ppl that could share iDeaS...


-Tv sHows
-Mythical creatures
*-* and so much more... =3

Music I listen:

-FrOm fiRst tO laSt
-LinKin paRk
-gRegOry aNd tHe haWk
-SuM 41
-bLinK 182
-BleeD tHe dReam
-bReaKing BenJamIn
-3 DayS gRacE
-A cUthRoat kIsS
-dAft PunK
-FeaR faCtoRy
-dRop DeaD gOrgEouS
-EscaPe tHe FaTe
-GuN's aNd RoSes
-A thoRn fOr eVeRy hEarT
-30 secOndS tO maRs
-JuSt sUrRendeR
-tHe KilleRs
-KT tUnsTall
-LimP bIzKit
-MoTiOn cIty sOunDtRacK
-ScaRy kIdS ScaRinG KidS
-My cHemiCal RomaNce
-The UseD
-TaKagi MasaKatSu
-ThiS pRovIdeNce
-BuLleT fOr mY ValLentIne
-AveGed SeVenfOld
-LiMp bIzkiT
-LinKin PaRk
-CuTe Is WhAt We AiM fOr
-DaShbOaRd cOnFeSsiOnaLs
-GoO gOo DoLls
-LiZ PhAiR
-IrOn MaiDen
-DeViL WeaRs PraDa
And sOo MuCh mOre...!!
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User Comments

mio~ writes:
wanna be friends?:)
i added you:P

Posted on: Oct 29th 2010, 6:22:59am

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