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cool pretty linda 1960

Name:   lindadoveRanking:   --
Birthday:   1960-07-10Country:   
Joined:   2009-01-02Location:   near the school
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   lindadove
Birthday:   1960-07-10
Joined:   2009-01-02
Location:   near the school
i have blond hair<style>
table table table td { vertical-align: top; !important; }
span.blacktext12 { visibility: visible !important; background-image: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; background-color: transparent; font-size: 0px; letter-spacing: -0.5px; width: 435px; height: 75px; display: block !important; }
span.blacktext12 img { display: none; }
</style><br><a href=>Extended Network Banners</a> blue eyes and funny is kin to aleahcovey
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User Comments

pookie writes:

Posted on: Oct 5th 2015, 4:17:37pm

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