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you guys its time 4 me 3 krawl back into my cave ill be beck on at like 5 unless i stay out too long which probably wont happen soo biye

(online status
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Name:   luserfaiceRanking:   --
Birthday:   1992-10-19Country:   United States
Joined:   2006-12-01Location:   KAIROPRAKTIK HELL errr i mean oceanside :)
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   8 graphics 
Name:   luserfaice
Birthday:   1992-10-19
Joined:   2006-12-01
Location:   KAIROPRAKTIK HELL errr i mean oceanside :)
Uploads:   8 graphics 
u guyz sorry i havent been on i wuz grounded =)

it kinda speaks 4 itself

AF freekin I

of corse my chem


sexy beast jared leto
which do u like
back in tha acting days??

or now in the music sexy days


and now goo showz



invader zim

samurai champloo

and others i can't remember

o yeah i like

and others
so ya i guess im done :]
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