Welcome to my pets hotel~ My name is Jenny This is where i keep all my pets ^-^ If you would like to adpot where i adpoted my pets look for the clickable Pictures/Text below Tell me What you think about my pets? Thanks for reading this ♥ ♥Bunny Hero Lab Pets♥ Get yours at: Bunny Hero Labs Clickble Paw & Claws Pet Shop Candy(female): food/drink: where Candy lives: Candy's accessory: Come and adopt at Paws & Claws Pet Shop Now! CLICKABLE Sweet Sweet Pets Shop(my pet shop) Blue(female) Food/Drink Toy House PetSitter Come and adopt at Sweet Sweet Pets Shop Now! CLICKABLE My pets that i adpoted at PetPot~ This is Cheeky(female) Her Food/Drink Her toy And her PetSitter Come and adpot at PetPot pets shop now! Clickable My Pets i adopted at hailey's pet shop~ This is snowii~ Food/Drink~ Toy~ Here is Luka: Luka's Food: Luka's Drink: Come and adpot at hailey's pet shop now! Hailey's pet shop CLICKABLE My Pets i adopted at Purr & Gurrs pet shop~ Luka(Female) Food/Drink Gift Come and adpot at Purr & Gurrs Pet Shop now! Purr & Gurrs Pet Shop Clickable My Pets i adopted at Stripes & Spots Pet Shoppe~ Apple(female) Cream Roll! Milk Shake! House! gift! Come and adpot at Stripes & Spots Pet Shoppe now! Clickable I ♥ MY PETS Ü
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Posted on: Jan 20th 2012, 6:51:32am
Posted on: Jan 16th 2012, 9:44:42pm