i have CHOCOLATE bubble gum!!!-Gir i love the little tacos...i love them good!-(yet again)-Gir(online status not displayed)
ello! my name is shelbi yay or whatever... ok well...i luvee whatching code geass and other anime. especally death note ...and mello...*doolz* oh, ah hehe....um well...questions? any?
some things i know about death note:L's real name is Lawliet. Near's real name is Nate Rivers. and mellow's real name is Mihael keehl. you can find it ur self.also, L and Near arent related. even though they do look alike, they are just orphans. but they look cute together looking like they are brothers. HAHA! LOOK! IT ALREADY HAD MY NAME ON IT! DAS COOL! HAHA, THIS IS JUST TOO FUNNY!note:look ate mello off to the side! i like this game. This REALLY is L's voice. This is from a scene in Battlestar Galactica where Alessandro Juliani (voice of L) is singing. i just like this song!
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