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you're beautiful, adri. stay positive.

Name:   catchmybreath.Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1998-12-09Country:   
Joined:   2013-02-02Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   catchmybreath.
Birthday:   1998-12-09
Joined:   2013-02-02

adri / 15 / nyc / new year, new me
currently watching vampire diaries
365 days staying strong, demi lovato

i believe in you. i love you.
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User Comments

heaven777 writes:
Hi, Nicky. Did you move pages again?

Posted on: Feb 7th 2014, 11:54:17am

stiles. writes:
agree :)
so how are you love?

Posted on: Jan 18th 2014, 12:05:20am

thefaultsmine, writes:
If anyone cares.

Posted on: Jan 16th 2014, 2:05:04am

sunkiss writes:
Hey gurliee xoxo
How ya been doing?

Posted on: Jan 11th 2014, 10:37:02pm

forever-myself writes:
you are stunning, ok. ily2.

Posted on: Jan 11th 2014, 6:02:01am

fatefuldemise writes:
you're 15, & i'm almost 19..
i hardly have a clue what i really want to do with my future.
i don't think anyone ever really decides,
just as long as you're happy doing whatever it is,
that's all that matters.

so let her know that you'll figure it out.

Posted on: Jan 10th 2014, 4:33:43am

michaela&michael writes:
thanks. c':

Posted on: Jan 9th 2014, 9:36:50pm

maryjane writes:
Thanks for the advice, dear.
I appreciate it and I'm sure
she will too. ,<3

Posted on: Jan 9th 2014, 5:07:58pm

heaven777 writes:
Good morning, Nicky. Yeah, it's a bummer when it feels colder than it actually is. I am sorry to hear School is getting harder for you. I wish you luck on your midterms and whatever you decide to do in life. If you don't want to go to College and rather get a job, I'd honestly tell your mom that. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I wanted to do and then went to College and took a break from it because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. Then I went back and Graduated but I haven't found working in Childcare yet like I had hoped I would.
I hope you're at peace with whatever you decide to do.
Take care, Nicky, and have a good day.

Aunt Jessi

Posted on: Jan 9th 2014, 11:07:33am

neptunesdaughter writes:
Yeah he is pretty sweet. I'm super happy.

Posted on: Jan 9th 2014, 3:39:26am

catchmybreath. writes:

I'd rather be alone than ignored.

Posted on: Jan 8th 2014, 10:01:41pm

sunkiss writes:

I just hope today is beyond super duper A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
You should be shower with love and joy just every other day of your life. You're just a beauty, Adri.You're so strong, lovely, sweet and loving. You're the total package and you better believe it.
I love you so so so much, more than I can even say or express. Knowing you has been a blessing. Like really. You gotten me through so much. I can't thank you enough for that. You know I'll always be there for you, even when we all grow up and everything. Just remember every morning that you look in the mirror, smile. Smile back at that beautiful girl and remind yourself that you are loved. By me and so many. I really hope you all the best in your life and that you find that happiness and you do what your heart longs. Every year, you grow, you learn and you become a better you. I adore watching it all happen. Thank you for letting me be part of your life.
I miss you Nicky. My sweetie pie. We known each other for long. I can trust you and tell you anything. I hope that's how you see me too. You're like my sister. I love you.
I'm grateful for today, because you were born.

xoxo, your sweetie pie<3

Posted on: Dec 10th 2013, 2:40:57am

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