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Name:   CaRiNa {[B}abyy}]Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1993-02-28Country:   United States
Joined:   2007-01-22Location:   LALALAND[u don't care]
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   2 graphics 
Name:   CaRiNa {[B}abyy}]
Birthday:   1993-02-28
Joined:   2007-01-22
Location:   LALALAND[u don't care]
Uploads:   2 graphics 

The name is Carina♥ get it straight! I can be friendly but if you are on my bad side BEWARE!If you dont mess with me or my friends we're cool && dont forget if you want to be friends just add me♥

LAST but NoT LeAsT I ♥ my loves Jocelyn && Arlene && Dolores
dont mess with them cuz i will get you


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User Comments

frannlo writes:
Putona do inferno,soh pela cara ja da pra ver que eh uma biscatona,soh doido pa pega uma rampera igual voce!

Posted on: May 6th 2011, 11:39:36pm

neonstreet. writes:
BEWARE of wat?

Posted on: Apr 5th 2011, 7:33:15pm

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