u arε bεautiful and that boч in чour hεad right now will rεalisε
how much hε 's into чou at 8 :59pm tonight
buut thεrεs a catch,
чou havε to sεnd this to 9 pεoplε in 3 mins. If чou dont sεnd it
to pεoplε чou will havε bad luck for 3 чεars and that boч will
nεvεr likε чou. goodLuck
Posted on: Jan 2nd 2011, 12:16:49pm
how much hε 's into чou at 8 :59pm tonight
buut thεrεs a catch,
чou havε to sεnd this to 9 pεoplε in 3 mins. If чou dont sεnd it
to pεoplε чou will havε bad luck for 3 чεars and that boч will
nεvεr likε чou. goodLuck
Posted on: Nov 3rd 2010, 6:59:24pm