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Dolls » With Text » Ohio Girl

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Yeah so here is the deal, I have never voted for a graphic if I don't like it, as in I don't give anyone a "thumbs down" so I'd ask that you don't do that to me. It's not very nice. If you don't like my graphics I really don't care. Just don't vote at all then. I'm not going to ask any of the moderators to delete them. If you like them then that's fine. I happen to like most of them and also I'm really just messing around and I'm doing this out of my own personal bordem.

**I don't have a program to actually make my own glitter graphics or animations, but if you see anything you like with the names or whatever and want to make it with glitter (or if you want to animate things) or want someone else to, that's fine. Just if you post it say where you got the base image, which would be from me**

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Owner of this graphic: mzmichigan06

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