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Blinkies » Mottos » Video Games and Your Kid

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As an avid computer gamer, I am sick and tired of many people in society blaming video games for kids who end up being fucked up. It isn't the fault of a game if a child ends up with psychological problems. After all, the very basic foundations of who and what we are begin at home with our parents and family. They set the very first examples for us.

Besides, it is the job of parents to take an active role in their child's life; to monitor what they are doing, what music they listen to, what films they watch, and what games they play. In this day and age of the internet, there is no excuse for parents to say 'well, I didn't know the game was so (insert negative adjective here.)' Anyone can look up a game title in a search engine, go to the website, read about the game, see screenshots, etc.

It is also the job of parents to explain to children that what they see/hear in films, music, and games isn't necessarily acceptable behaviour in real-life and that death doesn't give a retry in real-life as it does in the game.

Furthermore, it's the responsibility of parents to keep an eye on their child for any possible signs of psychological problems and to ensure their child receives help for them as soon as possible. Even if it turns out that their child doesn't have anything wrong with them beyond 'normal' growing up issues (meaning, they don't have clinical depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, social phobias, etc.,) the parents still need to do their part in helping their child cope with those 'normal' growing up issues in a positive, productive manner.

Wake up, people.. and take personal responsibility for what happens to your children! It's not the school's job.. it's not the daycare centre's job... it's not the (insert religious leader here)'s job.. it's YOURS!

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