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User Comments

dannyy writes:
pro-lifers are so backwards lol

do you think that a woman who was raped should be forced to have a child she may be completely incapable of caring for?
do you think that a man who was raped should be forced to pay child support because of something out of his control?
do you care if the child grows up to be neglected and extremely unhealthy because its parent wasn't prepared to take care of it?

forcing people to bear children that they never wanted in the first place is extremely damaging for both the parent and the child
if you're pro-life, you don't actually care about the child. you just want the baby out and then you don't give two shits about what happens to it afterwards. it could die on the streets for all you care because you were more obsessed with it being born than actually surviving

Posted on: Jul 20th 2017, 7:19:09am

ladyrae writes:

Posted on: Oct 7th 2014, 6:33:20am

Posted on: Sep 12th 2012, 12:06:33am

ponydella writes:
its a choice whether you want to murder your innocent, defenseless baby or not.

Murder an innocent, defenseless infant or don't?

its a choice whether to murder or not. Its a choice whether to live with the death of a child on your hands. Its a choice whether to kill or not to kill.

Pro-life, just because murder is portrayed as the choice "kill a bunch of tissue or not?" doesn't mean that's true.

The choice is "Murder a HUMAN BEING or not?"

Posted on: Sep 9th 2011, 8:17:07pm

crazykat83 writes:

Posted on: Jul 26th 2011, 2:49:55pm

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