These tears I cry, they're not for you, it's for the selfish bitch you say I am.(offline)
Currently doing: Homework Should be doing: Homework Song of the moment: "What What (In the Butt)" by Samwell Why?: It makes me smile. Hello, I'm Mitsi! I'm a 14-year-old in 8th grade. I'm a pretty nice person and I'm kind of shy. I don't really speak much in school, but I have great friends! I, sadly, have no pets, but my mom has a weird iguana who I hate very much. I'm an anime freak and I make original characters (ocs) for some. Well, I don't really have any now, not much reason to. Forgive and forget, holding it against them won't change a thing, it'll just make you lose a friend. Click? This, too.
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