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Hurt, pain, suffering... Death, pain, misery.... its all the same to me

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Name:   yutsukiRanking:   --
Birthday:   1990-09-15Country:   
Joined:   2007-06-22Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   yutsuki
Birthday:   1990-09-15
Joined:   2007-06-22
Everyone on glitter-graphics with a myspace, look at my profile and add me...

The names Irachiu. Yutsuki Irachiu. I'm 15 years old. When I was 7 years old, my whole family died except an older brother and sister. That's when my life started to fall. I noticed my self- esteem faded, my clothes began to darken, and so did my life. I had known all my life that Tsunnii was a vampire. When I became a vampire, He told me how to survive.

After about 2 weeks into my life as a vampire, Tsunnii told me I had taken after him. I had no idea what he meant by that. So then after explaining to me that he was a lichen, he cut my arm and showed me my own blood. " You have the blood of a lichen," he said, " The blood of the family."

I finally realized that I didn't really know my family. Tsunnii explained to me that our dad was soposedly a lichen and so was he. Naomi was a Nightwalker also. Tsunnii told me that she's the one who murdered our family, and turned me into a vampire.Tsunnii claims he'll beat her ass for me but I want to do it myself. But whatever, Tsunii couldn't kill a flower.

Pics of me and my family-


- Me whenever this was...

- My big brother Tsunnii took this pic

- Tsunnii, my big brother

- My big sister Naomi

- Me and Tsunnii

- Tsunni

Me about 3 minutes after midnight

ugh School pictures

Tsunnii again...

Tsunnii skating

Tsunnii... he's in love with himself i swear...

- Tsunnii after fighting Yuki

HAHA me at school.... i got in so much trouble for wearing that over my uniform

me being a spaz... again

My Friends-



Mitsuki.... she's a Crucafix

Me- White Hoodie
Yuki- Black Hoodie

Left to Right- Me, Yuki, Suki

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