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I'm josh for short. And I like most. I would say I'm badass. Id go pretty far for a klondike bar. I'm only looking for a way in. lmfao. naw I have an Internet girl. her names nickie. she's cute, fun And attractive. christina And britty(daisy) are my best friends.
joshua scott. i know i over flood you with love, but it's only because i mean it everytime. you're the only person i can think of through the day. you're all i doodle about. you make my smiles the biggest, and my insides feel like they will explode. in a good way of course. even on my worst days, you're still there. taking things one step at a time, and being as patient as possible with me. the days we have fights are the days i never want to repeat. however; even through everything we've gone through, we've stuck it out together. i can't tell you enough times that i love you, because it'll never amount to how much i really do love you. you're worth the wait i went through, i just hope i'm worth it all to you. and the things i hate about myself? somehow you love them. that makes me feel more incredible than you know. hearing you say i'm beautiful, and calling me baby, those make my day brighter. even with a good day. you're everything i have in this world, and i wouldn't trade you for anything. without you; i'm only half a person. those are strong words to say, but you seriously complete me. i may get pissed off at you, at times, but you're still the only person i ever want to love. i never want to let these feelings go. but if the day comes, as long as you're happy, i'll be happy. because your happiness is number one on my list of things to accomplish. and so far, i think i've done well. or so i hope, baby :). maybe this isn't meant to last forever, but it is meant to be happening right now, and that elates, excites, and amazes me. because joshua scott; i am far beyond, completely, irrevocably, totally, in love with you. and only you, baby. nobody else. nickie loves joshua scott. with every bit of her being. iloveyou iloveyou iloveyou. <3
joshjoshjosh! you're one of the fucking chillest
bruhs on this gay site. youuu the big shit nigga. :)
you're like a blunt to me, it's that legit right now.
joshua scott! <3;
:D >> i am in love with you! 'cause you are soo incredible. i know i'm not perfection, but i've never claimed to be and somehow, you still accept me for the person i am. you are my best friend. my boyfriend. my everything :D. yes, i let you in on all of my secrets, and my guard is down when i talk to you. i act myself completely around you. i trust you, even if i shouldn't. you take my breath away :). and of course there are the times you piss me off, and the times we fight, however! we ALWAYS make up. and i never want us to stop making up. i would feel like dying if that happend. you are everything and more to me. i swear! and i pinky promise i'm absolutly bonkers about you. i love everything about you; every single flaw, and every single good thing. { your good qualities overcome your flaws } i never try to impress you. and you love that. i love that you love me. and i love that you love me, even when i'm at my worst. you make my bad days seem like good ones. you brighten them up in a flash. my heart jumps, my pulse races, and you surprise me, all the time! i can never stay angry at you. i have never ever felt this strongly for someone. EVER. that's how i know i'm in love with you. you are different from every person i've ever met. i would do anything and everything for you. i feel infinite around you. i wish time could stop when we are talking, so i could never have to stop talking to you. it's not likely we'll be together forever, but there's always a chance. maybe we aren't meant for eachother, but i'm happy finding that out. i've had dreams about you! ever since we met :). you are always on my mind. and i wouldn't change a thing between us. you are the sweetest person ever. haha. i'm not the prettiest girl you've met, the smartest, or the most funny, but you still love me! it amazes me. joshua scott i don't want to live a single day without you. i would lose myself without you. i am that in love with you. even though i've never always showed my love for you correctly, you should know i've always loved you. since day one. i hope you understand by now, that i do indeed love everything about you :) even the things you hate about yourself! i am so cheesesy. haha. but oh well :D. you are the best boyfriend. no forevers. no always's. just now, until we can't stand eachother. i love you! the most baby! ;) xoxoxoxoxo
:D--/////////////// i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx//////nickie <3's joshua!
Posted on: Oct 21st 2010, 3:19:13pm
bruhs on this gay site. youuu the big shit nigga. :)
you're like a blunt to me, it's that legit right now.
Posted on: Oct 13th 2010, 10:48:35pm
:D >> i am in love with you! 'cause you are soo incredible. i know i'm not perfection, but i've never claimed to be and somehow, you still accept me for the person i am. you are my best friend. my boyfriend. my everything :D. yes, i let you in on all of my secrets, and my guard is down when i talk to you. i act myself completely around you. i trust you, even if i shouldn't. you take my breath away :). and of course there are the times you piss me off, and the times we fight, however! we ALWAYS make up. and i never want us to stop making up. i would feel like dying if that happend. you are everything and more to me. i swear! and i pinky promise i'm absolutly bonkers about you. i love everything about you; every single flaw, and every single good thing. { your good qualities overcome your flaws } i never try to impress you. and you love that. i love that you love me. and i love that you love me, even when i'm at my worst. you make my bad days seem like good ones. you brighten them up in a flash. my heart jumps, my pulse races, and you surprise me, all the time! i can never stay angry at you. i have never ever felt this strongly for someone. EVER. that's how i know i'm in love with you. you are different from every person i've ever met. i would do anything and everything for you. i feel infinite around you. i wish time could stop when we are talking, so i could never have to stop talking to you. it's not likely we'll be together forever, but there's always a chance. maybe we aren't meant for eachother, but i'm happy finding that out. i've had dreams about you! ever since we met :). you are always on my mind. and i wouldn't change a thing between us. you are the sweetest person ever. haha. i'm not the prettiest girl you've met, the smartest, or the most funny, but you still love me! it amazes me. joshua scott i don't want to live a single day without you. i would lose myself without you. i am that in love with you. even though i've never always showed my love for you correctly, you should know i've always loved you. since day one. i hope you understand by now, that i do indeed love everything about you :) even the things you hate about yourself! i am so cheesesy. haha. but oh well :D. you are the best boyfriend. no forevers. no always's. just now, until we can't stand eachother. i love you! the most baby! ;) xoxoxoxoxo
:D--/////////////// i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx//////nickie <3's joshua!
Posted on: Oct 4th 2010, 2:23:39pm