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i'm all about the music!!!

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Name:   xxcutie_jen123Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1998-10-03Country:   Canada
Joined:   2008-07-01Location:   in my house DUH! lmao
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   xxcutie_jen123
Birthday:   1998-10-03
Joined:   2008-07-01
Location:   in my house DUH! lmao

xX..Hi my name Jenny..Xx
xX..I'm 100% a girl lol..Xx
xX..I'm 9 years old ^.^ ..Xx
xX..I have 2 eyes..Xx
xX..2 ears and 1 mouth..Xx
xX..I love singing..Xx
xX..and music A LOT!..Xx
xX..I love new friends so add me!..Xx

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