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I live in an unperfect world.

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Name:   JanRanking:   --
Birthday:   1992-05-05Country:   
Joined:   2009-06-03Location:   Glitter Graphics
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   271 graphics 
Name:   Jan
Birthday:   1992-05-05
Joined:   2009-06-03
Location:   Glitter Graphics
Uploads:   271 graphics 
All pictures that are seen in Nickelodeon our THEIRS not mine,those pictures are theirs not mine again, i got them from, all of them are their property,just copied them for fans,again its theirs.

You can add me, of you want to. I can't upload graphics these days, because I'm still finding a good editing photoshop.

Anyway,gonna introduce myself.
I'm Jan. Your average girl.
I love Harry Potter.
I love pastas, white-sauced pastas. Carbonara is ♥.
Yeah! I'm not good on describing myself. :))

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