Unloved And Never Loved(online status not displayed)
Boo. Find Out The Catagories Yourself, Bitch. Paramore.TokioHotel.OneRepublic.MCR.SlipKnot.LinkinPark.30SecondToMars. DamnYouHot.MotherFlubber.Crap.CrapShit.Woah.Hottie.Daaaamn.Baby.Babe. CodyLinly.AlexEvans.BillKaulitz.HannahBeth.AudreyKitching.HayleyWilliams. Me.Me.Me.Me.Me.Me.Me.Me.Me. Me.Me.Me.Me.Me.Me.Me.Me.Me. Me.Me.Me.Me.Me.Me.Me.Me.Me. I like Spam Don't you. O.O Puh-Lease Poser. Don't Copy My shit, or me. Cause your to Ugly to be your self...erm... Maybe its cause im so hawt and famous than you. Hint: Erm (Eating Raping Monkeys) TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) KK (Ok Ok) A/S/L (Age/State/Location) Bye.
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