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Name:   whatsername18Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1994-06-18Country:   
Joined:   2009-05-26Location:   indiana
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   8 graphics 
Name:   whatsername18
Birthday:   1994-06-18
Joined:   2009-05-26
Location:   indiana
Uploads:   8 graphics 
im hannah im a musician i play guitar and sing. i would like to master drums. im a nice person so do talk to me. my favorite bands are GREEN DAY, BLINK 182, NIRVANA, WEEZER, NO DOUBT, THE RAMONES, HOLE, GUNS N' ROSES, and i believe thats it. i listen to other music but these are the main ones. i have another account here its vampireblood18. i thought the name was gay so i made a new one. im a twilighter and im one team jacob so thats why i had to make a new one. i never really liked edward. im not obsessed with twilight but i do like it.

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User Comments

rinu. writes:
Let me know if you add me back

Posted on: Mar 21st 2011, 7:12:01am

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